Section 1

Winter is a special time of the year when the weather gets colder and we see lots of snow! It is the season that comes after autumn and before spring. Winter brings with it many fun activities and celebrations. Let's learn more about this chilly season!

During winter, the days become shorter, and the nights become longer. That means we have more time to enjoy the beautiful night sky and spot twinkling stars. The weather gets colder, and we need to wear warm clothes like coats, hats, scarves, and gloves to keep ourselves cozy and comfortable.

One of the most exciting things about winter is snow! Snowflakes fall from the sky and cover the ground like a soft white blanket. When it snows, we can make snowballs, build snowmen, and even go sledding down snowy hills. It's so much fun to play in the snow and make snow angels!

Winter is also a time when some animals like bears, squirrels, and birds hibernate. Hibernation is when animals sleep for a long time during the winter to save energy. They find a cozy place to rest, like a cave or a burrow, until the weather becomes warmer again.

Now, let's see if you remember what we just learned about winter. Answer the following questions:

  1. What season comes after autumn?
  2. What happens to the weather during winter?
  3. What do we need to wear to keep warm during winter?
  4. What can we do with snow?
  5. Which animals hibernate during winter?

Section 2

Hi, my name is Sean and I am 6 years old. I live in a small village called Clonakilty in Ireland. I want to tell you about my average day during winter. It's so much fun! In the morning, I wake up and look outside my window. I get so excited when I see snow everywhere! I quickly put on my warm clothes and rush downstairs for breakfast. Mom makes delicious porridge that warms my tummy. Yum! After breakfast, I grab my backpack and put on my cozy hat and gloves. I walk with my friends to school. The road is covered in crunchy snow, and we laugh as we make footprints. Sometimes, we even have snowball fights! When I reach school, my teacher greets me with a smile. We start our day by singing songs and reading stories. I love storytime because we get to snuggle up with blankets and listen to magical tales. During recess, we go outside to play in the snow. We build snowmen and have competitions to see who can make the biggest snowball. It's so much fun! Sometimes, we even go sledding down the small hill near our school. Weeeee! In the afternoon, we have art class. I enjoy painting winter landscapes with snowy mountains and colorful houses. It's like creating my own winter wonderland on paper. When school ends, I walk back home with my friends. We talk and laugh along the way, leaving more footprints in the snow. When I reach home, I have a warm cup of hot chocolate with marshmallows. It feels so good to warm up after playing in the cold. In the evening, I spend time with my family. We play board games, build puzzles, and tell stories. Sometimes, we even have movie nights and watch funny winter movies. Before going to bed, I look out of my window one last time. The moon shines bright on the snowy landscape, making everything sparkle. I feel so grateful for the wonderful winter day I had. Questions:

  1. What is the name of the village where Sean lives?
  2. What does Sean have for breakfast?
  3. What does Sean do during recess?
  4. What does Sean enjoy painting in art class?
  5. What does Sean do before going to bed?

Section 3

Good morning, boys and girls! Welcome to the Winter News Report. I'm your reporter, Sam Snowflake. Today, we have some exciting news about the chilly season that we all love – winter!

First up, let's talk about the weather. Brrr! It's getting colder and colder outside. The nights are longer, and the days are shorter. You might have noticed frost on your windows in the morning. That's because the temperature drops at night, and the water in the air freezes on the glass. It's like a magical frozen painting!

In winter, we often see something special falling from the sky – snowflakes! Snowflakes are tiny ice crystals that form in the clouds. When they become heavy enough, they fall to the ground as snow. It's so much fun to play in the snow, build snowmen, and have snowball fights with our friends. But remember, always wear warm clothes and stay safe!

Winter is also the season of cozy nights by the fireplace. Many people like to drink hot chocolate or warm soup to keep themselves warm and toasty. It's a perfect time to snuggle up with a good book or watch a movie with your family.

Now, let's move on to our anagram puzzles. Can you unscramble these winter-themed words? Write your answers on a piece of paper and check them later:

  1. RSOW

That's all for today's Winter News Report. We hope you enjoyed learning about winter and solving the anagram puzzles. Stay warm and have a snow-tastic day! See you next time!

Section 4

During the winter of 2010, Ireland experienced one of the harshest cold snaps in decades. This event, known as the Big Freeze, brought heavy snowfall and freezing temperatures across the country.

One of the most memorable incidents during the Big Freeze occurred in Cork, a city located in the south of Ireland. On December 1st, a group of school children from St. Mary's Primary School were on their way to a Christmas concert when their bus got stuck in the snow.

The children, ranging from ages six to ten, remained calm and composed despite the unexpected situation. They knew that they had to stay warm and wait for help to arrive. Luckily, their teacher, Miss O'Connor, was prepared for such emergencies and had brought extra blankets and snacks for the trip.

As the hours passed, the children entertained themselves by singing Christmas carols and playing games. They made the most of the situation, turning it into an impromptu winter adventure. The children's resilience and positive attitude impressed the adults who were also trapped on the bus.

After several hours, rescue teams arrived and safely transported the children and adults back to the school. The incident became a heartwarming story of community spirit and the resilience of young children in the face of adversity.

  1. What was the event that happened in Ireland during the winter of 2010?
  2. Where did the bus with the school children get stuck?
  3. How did the children react to the situation?
  4. What did the teacher bring for the trip?
  5. How did the incident become a heartwarming story?