Grants Magical Chant

Once upon a time, in a distant land, lived a small ant named Grant. Grant was different; he couldn't chant or rant like other ants. One day, Grant found a cocoon. It was big and round like a balloon. He was drawn to its unique tune, like a melody played on a spoon. "Will you plant a wish?" hummed the cocoon. "I want to sing under the moon," Grant whispered, feeling a bit like a loon. Days went on, Grant kept his vigil. The cocoon spun and spun, like a magical sigil. Suddenly, it was torn asunder, revealing a butterfly, causing Grant to blunder. It sang a song, deep and profound, and Grant joined in, his voice now a thunder! From then on, Grant the ant could chant and rant. The butterfly's song had planted a gift, a magic chant, in his heart so constant.

Answer these questions:


What was the name of the small ant in the story?


What did Grant find one day that was big and round like a balloon?


What did the cocoon ask Grant to do?


What emerged from the cocoon, surprising Grant?


How did the butterfly's song affect Grant?

On one side, write the words ending with on and the other side, write the words ending with ant

on ant

Write a story of your own called 'Grants Magical Chant'