Title: Sams Swimming Dream

Tom, the athletic ant, was zooming along, humming a song. His game was strong. He loved playing ping-pong. He met a worm, slim and long. "I'm Sam," he said, "I belong in the gym, lifting and swinging, but I'm feeling glum." "Why, Sam?" asked Tom, stopping his song. "I'm dreaming of joining a swim team, but I'm slow," said Sam, looking down. Tom grinned, "Sam, don't frown. Being slow doesn't mean you're going to drown. Keep training, keep pushing, keep swimming around." Sam started training from dawn till dusk, with Tom cheering, making it fun. Soon, Sam was swimming, not sinking. He was fast, not slowing, thanks to Tom's encouraging. Sam beamed, feeling the joy from winning. "Thank you, Tom, for believing!" In sports and life, keep pushing, keep dreaming. Even if you're an ant or a worm, you can achieve anything.

Answer these questions:

  1. What sport does Tom love playing?
  2. Who did Tom meet while he was zooming along?
  3. Why was Sam feeling glum?
  4. What did Tom tell Sam about being slow?
  5. What did Sam start doing to improve his swimming?

On one side, write the words ending with om and the other side, write the words ending with ing

om ing

Write a story of your own called 'Title: Sams Swimming Dream'