Brites Kite Adventure

In a quiet dew-drenched glade, a wee ladybug named Brite fluttered her wings. Brite loved to flit and twirl in the fresh morning dew. A kite caught her eye, its colour a pure, snowy white. Excitement grew; she flew right up to it! But, oh no! A gust blew, the kite flew, and poor Brite with it! She clung on tight, feeling a fright. Below, a ewe and her lamb, Mew, bawled their concern. "Bite the kite string," Mew's mew echoed up to her. With might, Brite bit into the white kite string. It split! Down she fell, out of the eerie twilight, into the soft, fluffy ewe’s wool. "Phew!" sighed Brite, safe now, in the comforting glow of the warm ewe and her lamb, Mew.

Answer these questions:

1. How did Brite feel when she saw the white kite? 2. What happened to Brite when a gust of wind blew? 3. Who told Brite to bite the kite string? 4. What happened when Brite bit the kite string? 5. Where did Brite land after she fell from the kite?

On one side, write the words ending with ite and the other side, write the words ending with ew

ite ew

Write a story of your own called 'Brites Kite Adventure'