In the small town of Frit, lived a paw named Kit. Kit had a law: each day, he'd draw in the raw morning dew.
One day, Kit saw a pit. "Oh no!" cried Kit, "My paw might fit!" He took a cautious slip, but with a quick flip, he avoided the dip.
Next to Kit, sat a tiny critter, Mit. Mit was in awe of Kit's quick wit. "How did you do it?" asked Mit. Kit gave a grin, "I followed my paw's law," he said, "I saw and I drew."
Later, they found a pot, big and lit. "Let's make chowder!" said Kit. They saw corn, fish and grit, and threw them all in it. "What a hit!" they said, tasting the chowder bit by bit.
Answer these questions:
1. How did Kit start his day in the small town of Frit?
2. Why was Kit worried when he saw the pit?
3. Who was the tiny critter that sat next to Kit?
4. What did Kit and Mit put in the pot to make chowder?
5. How did Kit and Mit feel about the chowder they made?
On one side, write the words ending with it and the other side, write the words ending with aw
Write a story of your own called 'Kit and Mits Chowder Adventure'