Maxs Tricky Lesson

Once, in a quaint, small town, lived a funny jester named Max. Max had a wax mask, and he loved to play tricks. He hid behind boxes, leapt out with a "Boo!" then sat back to relax. Max had a friend, a kind, saintly nun named Mint. She had a flint cross that she'd tint with bright paint. She'd hint about Max's tricks, but always with a grin. One day, Max decided to play a trick on Mint. He borrowed her cross, leaving a wax duplicate in its place. When Mint found out, she wasn't upset. Instead, she laughed and explained, "Max, we don't need an object to express our faith. It's in our hearts." Max understood. He returned the flint cross and promised to respect everyone's beliefs. From that day, Max's tricks were all in good fun, and the whole town was full of joy and peace.

Answer these questions:

  1. What was the name of the funny jester in the story?
  2. What did Max love to do?
  3. Who was Max's friend?
  4. Why did Max borrow Mint's cross?
  5. What did Mint teach Max about expressing faith?

On one side, write the words ending with int and the other side, write the words ending with ax

int ax

Write a story of your own called 'Maxs Tricky Lesson'