The Mysterious Ink-Black Kite

In a dark, grey bay, three friends, Jay, Ray, and Fay, found an old, rickety ink-black box. They say it lay there all day. Jay, with a wink, led the way. "Let's play!" said Jay, as he took out a faded kite. The kite was a peculiar sight, ink-black, just like the box. Ray, with a blink, tied a link of string to the kite. Fay gave it a fling and it took flight, high in the chilly twilight. The kite began to sway and stray, zigging and zagging, causing dismay. Suddenly, it seemed to sink, then sprang back in an eye's blink. The ink-black kite, in the eerie moonlight, was an odd delight. With a final, swift swing, it vanished into the night, leaving the three in a silent fright.

Answer these questions:

  1. What did Jay, Ray, and Fay find in the bay? (1)
  2. What color was the box they found? (1)
  3. What did Jay take out of the box? (1)
  4. What happened to the kite in the twilight? (1)
  5. How did the story end? (1)

On one side, write the words ending with ink and the other side, write the words ending with ay

ink ay

Write a story of your own called 'The Mysterious Ink-Black Kite'