The Magic Parade

Once upon a time, in a majestic land called Halloween Hollow, lived three friends named Jack, Ned, and Fern. Halloween was approaching, and they were excited to choose their costumes for the grand parade. Jack, the jester, loved to make people laugh. He planned to wear a colorful suit and a hat with bells. "I'll be the funniest jester ever!" he exclaimed. Ned, the shepherd, adored animals. He decided to dress as a herder with a staff and a long cloak. "I'll lead the way for all the animals!" he declared. Fern, the wizard, had a magic wand and a sparkling robe. "I'll cast spells and make the night enchanting!" she proclaimed. They visited the costume store where they found shimmering capes, pointy hats, and magical wands. They tried on costumes with laughter and glee. At the parade, Jack, Ned, and Fern joined the other children. They marched in rhythm, showing off their splendid costumes. The crowd cheered and clapped, admiring their outfits. As the sun set, the moon appeared, and the night grew dark. Jack, Ned, and Fern whispered spells, herded invisible sheep, and entertained the crowd, making the parade unforgettable. When the night ended, they returned to Halloween Hollow, tired but joyful. They knew their costumes had made everyone smile. And so, the tale of Halloween Hollow and their majestic costumes spread far and wide, inspiring others to celebrate with laughter and magic every Halloween night. The end.

Answer these questions:

  1. Who were the three friends in the story?
  2. What did Jack plan to wear for the grand parade?
  3. What did Ned decide to dress up as?
  4. What did Fern have that made her a wizard?
  5. What did Jack, Ned, and Fern do at the parade?

On one side, write the words ending with in and the other side, write the words ending with erd

in erd

Write a story of your own called 'The Magic Parade'