Once upon a time, in a land filled with milk, lived a tiny bird named Lind, who loved to sing. Lind felt kind and liked to bring joy to all.
One day, Lind found a rainbow silk ribbon. Lind's mind whirled with ideas. Could this be the secret to making the land more colourful?
With a wink, Lind tied the silk around his neck and took off into the sky. He flew around, the ribbon trailing behind. It spread a rainbow of colours across the land.
The sight was grand, it made everyone blink. The land no longer looked just like milk. Lind's friends, a pink pig and a bindi-wearing elk, were astounded.
"Thank you, Lind!" they said, "You've turned our plain land into a rainbow wonderland!". Lind just grinned. He was glad he could bring such change with just a rainbow silk.
Answer these questions:
What is the name of the tiny bird in the story?
What did Lind find one day that made him excited?
How did Lind use the silk ribbon to change the land?
Who were Lind's friends that were amazed by the transformation of the land?
Why was Lind glad at the end of the story?
On one side, write the words ending with ilk and the other side, write the words ending with ind
Write a story of your own called 'Linds Rainbow Magic'