Literacy, Numeracy, Science

Subjects covered:





  • 1. Hobbies vocabulary brainstorming
  • 2. Hobbies word search
  • 3. Create a mini-book about a favorite hobby
  • 1. Whiteboard and markers
  • 2. Word search worksheets
  • 3. Drawing materials, paper, and stapler
  • 1. Provide visual aids for vocabulary brainstorming
  • 2. Adapt word search difficulty based on student's reading level
  • 3. Support students in creating their mini-books through scaffolding


  • 1. Count and classify hobby-related objects
  • 2. Create a bar graph displaying favorite hobbies
  • 3. Solve hobby-themed addition and subtraction problems
  • 1. Hobby-related objects (e.g., toy cars, dolls, balls)
  • 2. Large paper, markers, and sticky notes
  • 3. Addition and subtraction worksheets
  • 1. Provide varied objects for counting to accommodate different levels
  • 2. Support students in creating the bar graph through modeling
  • 3. Adjust the difficulty of math problems based on students' abilities


  • 1. Investigate different types of materials used in hobbies
  • 2. Explore how different forces (push, pull) affect hobby objects
  • 3. Observe and discuss various natural habitats related to hobbies
  • 1. Samples of different hobby materials (e.g., fabric, wood, plastic)
  • 2. Objects that can be pushed or pulled (e.g., toy cars, strings)
  • 3. Pictures or videos of different habitats (e.g., underwater, forest)
  • 1. Encourage hands-on exploration of materials
  • 2. Provide opportunities for students to experiment with different forces
  • 3. Adapt discussion prompts and vocabulary based on students' prior knowledge

Arts Subjects

Subjects covered




Visual Arts

  • Create a collage of pictures related to different hobbies.
  • Paint or draw pictures of their favorite hobbies.

Magazines, newspapers, scissors, glue, paint, brushes, drawing paper

Provide pre-cut images for students who may have difficulty using scissors.

Offer a variety of materials (e.g., paint, markers) for students to choose from.


  • Sing and dance to songs about different hobbies.
  • Create simple musical instruments using recycled materials.

Recorded songs, musical instruments made from recycled materials (e.g., shakers, drums)

Provide visual aids (e.g., pictures, gestures) to support understanding of song lyrics.

Offer a range of instruments with different levels of complexity for students to choose from.


  • Role-play different hobbies in small groups.
  • Create a short play about their favorite hobby.

Props related to hobbies, costumes (optional)

Provide visual prompts (e.g., pictures, word cards) to support role-play activities.

Allow students to choose their preferred roles within the play.

Physical Education

  • Design an obstacle course based on different hobbies.
  • Play games that involve movements related to various hobbies (e.g., hopping like a bunny for gardening).

Obstacle course materials (e.g., cones, hoops), open space for games

Offer alternative movements for students with physical limitations.

Provide clear instructions and visual demonstrations for games and activities.

Language Development

  • Discuss and describe different hobbies using vocabulary related to each.
  • Write and illustrate short stories about their favorite hobbies.

Picture cards, writing materials, drawing paper

Provide sentence starters or word banks for students who may need support in writing.

Allow students to share their stories orally if they find writing challenging.

Station Ideas

Station 1: Art and Craft

  • Create a collage using different materials
  • Coloring and drawing
  • Modeling with clay or playdough

Station 2: Reading and Writing

  • Read a book related to hobbies
  • Write and illustrate a short story about a hobby
  • Complete word puzzles and writing exercises

Station 3: Music

  • Play musical instruments
  • Sing songs related to hobbies
  • Create rhythms and beats using percussion instruments

Station 4: Outdoor Activities

  • Play with balls and outdoor toys
  • Explore nature by going on a nature walk
  • Engage in physical activities like running and jumping

Station 5: Role Play

  • Pretend to be a chef in a play kitchen
  • Act out different hobbies, such as painting or gardening
  • Play dress-up and take on different roles

Station 6: Construction

  • Build structures using building blocks
  • Create designs with interlocking cubes or LEGO
  • Construct with various materials like straws and cardboard

Story Time

Once upon a time, in a small town called Hobbyville, there lived a little girl named Lily. Lily loved to explore and try new things, so she had many hobbies. Every day after school, Lily would rush home to spend time doing what she loved the most – her hobbies!

One of Lily's favorite hobbies was painting. She would sit at her little table with a paintbrush in one hand and a palette of colorful paints in front of her. Lily loved to mix different colors together to create beautiful masterpieces. She would paint pictures of flowers, animals, and even her family. Lily's paintings filled her room with colors and happiness.

Another hobby that Lily enjoyed was dancing. She would put on her favorite music and twirl around the room. Lily loved to move her body to the rhythm of the music and express herself through dance. Sometimes, she would even put on a little dance performance for her family and friends. Lily's dance moves always brought smiles to everyone's faces.

Lily also had a green thumb and loved gardening. She would dig in the soil, plant seeds, and watch as beautiful flowers and tasty vegetables grew. Lily took care of her plants by watering them and giving them lots of sunlight. She loved how her garden added vibrant colors and delicious scents to her backyard.

In addition to painting, dancing, and gardening, Lily had one more hobby – reading. She would curl up in her cozy reading nook with a book in her hand. Lily's imagination would take her to faraway lands and introduce her to new friends. She loved the way books opened up a world of possibilities and sparked her creativity.

Lily's hobbies brought her so much joy and happiness. They allowed her to express herself, learn new things, and make her days brighter. She couldn't wait to wake up each morning and explore the world through her hobbies.

One day, Lily's teacher asked the class what hobbies they enjoyed. Lily excitedly raised her hand and shared all of her hobbies with her classmates. She told them about the beautiful paintings she created, the amazing dance moves she learned, the delicious vegetables she grew, and the incredible stories she read.

Lily's classmates were inspired by her hobbies, and they couldn't wait to try new things too. They started painting, dancing, gardening, and reading, just like Lily. The classroom filled with laughter, creativity, and friendship.

From that day on, Lily and her classmates shared their hobbies with each other. They learned from one another and discovered new hobbies together. Lily was happy to see her friends enjoying their hobbies just as much as she did.

And so, in the town of Hobbyville, Lily and her friends continued to explore, create, and have fun through their hobbies. They learned that hobbies were a special way to express themselves and make their days brighter. Lily was proud to have inspired her friends to find joy in their own hobbies.