Literacy, Numeracy, Science

Subjects covered:

  • Literacy
  • Numeracy
  • Science


  • 1. Storytime: Read a book about healthy eating habits and discuss the importance of food.
  • 2. Food Sorting: Sort various food items into healthy and unhealthy categories.
  • 3. Letter Matching: Match uppercase and lowercase letters on food-related flashcards.
  • 4. Counting Snacks: Count and group snack items to practice numeracy skills.
  • 5. Sensory Exploration: Use the five senses to explore different foods and describe their properties.
  • 6. Plant Life: Plant seeds and observe their growth, discussing the relationship between food and plants.


  • 1. Storybook about healthy eating habits
  • 2. Food items (both healthy and unhealthy)
  • 3. Flashcards with uppercase and lowercase letters
  • 4. Snack items for counting
  • 5. Various food samples for sensory exploration
  • 6. Seeds, pots, soil, and water for planting


  • 1. Provide visual aids and props to support understanding for students with visual impairments.
  • 2. Use concrete manipulatives for counting activities to cater to different learning styles.
  • 3. Offer additional challenge tasks for students who are more advanced in literacy or numeracy.
  • 4. Provide support and guidance for students who may struggle with sensory exploration activities.
  • 5. Offer alternative activities for students with allergies or dietary restrictions during food-related tasks.
  • 6. Adapt planting activity to accommodate students with physical disabilities.

Arts Subjects

Subjects covered




Visual Arts

  • Create food-themed collages using various materials and textures.
  • Paint or draw pictures of their favorite fruits and vegetables.
  • Design and make food-related puppets or masks.
  • Glue, scissors, colored paper, fabric scraps for collages.
  • Paints or colored pencils and paper for drawings.
  • Cardboard, craft sticks, markers, and yarn for puppets or masks.
  • Provide a variety of materials for collages to suit different abilities.
  • Encourage students to express their creativity in their artwork.
  • Offer support and guidance to students who may need assistance with cutting or drawing.


  • Sing songs about different types of food or cooking.
  • Create food-related sound effects using body percussion or classroom instruments.
  • Dance or move to music inspired by food themes.
  • Lyrics or recordings of food-themed songs.
  • Body percussion or classroom instruments (e.g., tambourines, shakers).
  • Selected food-related music tracks.
  • Provide visual aids with lyrics for students who may struggle with memorization.
  • Offer a variety of instruments or alternate ways to create sound effects (e.g., clapping hands instead of using instruments).
  • Encourage creative movement and accommodate individual abilities.


  • Role-play in a pretend kitchen or grocery store.
  • Act out a story or folktale related to food.
  • Create and perform a short play about healthy eating.
  • Props and costumes for pretend kitchen or grocery store role-play.
  • Picture books or scripts for story or folktale performances.
  • Simple stage or performance area for the play.
  • Provide visual prompts or cue cards for students who may need assistance with role-play.
  • Allow for flexible roles and encourage participation at individual comfort levels.
  • Offer support and guidance to students who may need help with memorization or storytelling.

Physical Education

  • Play food-themed movement games, such as "Vegetable Relay" or "Fruit Basket."
  • Practice balancing objects on different body parts (e.g., beanbag on head, apple on shoulder).
  • Imitate animal movements related to food (e.g., hopping like a bunny, slithering like a snake).
  • Markers or cones for marking game areas.
  • Beanbags or small lightweight objects for balancing activities.
  • Visual aids or pictures of animals for imitation movements.
  • Adapt game rules or equipment to suit different abilities.
  • Provide support and encouragement to students who may need assistance with balance or coordination.
  • Allow for creative interpretations of animal movements.

Station Ideas

Here is the list of possible stations for a Junior Infant class, under the theme of food, using Aistear, The Early Childhood Curriculum Framework: ```

Station 1: Fruit Tasting

  • Taste and explore different types of fruits
  • Discuss the taste, color, and texture of each fruit
  • Encourage children to try new fruits

Station 2: Vegetable Sorting

  • Sort and categorize different vegetables
  • Discuss the color, shape, and size of each vegetable
  • Encourage children to identify and name the vegetables

Station 3: Cooking Corner

  • Engage children in simple food preparation activities
  • Demonstrate safe knife skills and cooking techniques
  • Encourage children to follow simple recipes

Station 4: Grocery Store

  • Set up a pretend grocery store with play food and shopping baskets
  • Encourage children to role-play as shopkeepers and customers
  • Discuss the different food items and their prices

Station 5: Food Art

  • Provide materials for children to create food-themed art
  • Encourage children to use their imagination and creativity
  • Display and discuss the artwork

Station 6: Sensory Play

  • Set up sensory bins with different food materials (e.g., rice, pasta)
  • Encourage children to explore the textures, smells, and colors
  • Discuss the sensory experiences
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Story Time

Once upon a time in a land not too far away, there was a little village called Yumville. In Yumville, everyone loved food. They loved talking about it, cooking it, and most importantly, eating it!

One sunny morning, a little girl named Annie woke up with a grumble in her tummy. She hopped out of bed and hurried downstairs to the kitchen where her mom was already busy making breakfast.

"Good morning, Annie!" her mom said, smiling. "What would you like for breakfast today?"

Annie thought for a moment and said, "I want pancakes with lots of yummy fruits on top!"

Her mom nodded and started mixing the pancake batter. Annie watched as her mom poured the batter onto the sizzling pan. The smell of pancakes filled the air, making Annie's tummy grumble even louder.

Finally, the pancakes were ready! Annie's mom stacked them high on a plate and topped them with fresh strawberries, blueberries, and a drizzle of sweet honey. Annie's mouth watered with excitement.

Annie took a big bite of her pancake, and it tasted even better than she had imagined. She smiled and said, "Mom, these are the most delicious pancakes in the whole wide world!"

Just as Annie finished her breakfast, she heard a knock on the door. It was her best friend, Sammy, who lived next door. Sammy loved food just as much as Annie did.

"Good morning, Annie!" Sammy exclaimed. "I smelled something yummy from my house, and I knew it had to be coming from here!"

Annie laughed and invited Sammy inside. Together, they went back to the kitchen, where Annie's mom had prepared a special surprise.

"Ta-da!" said Annie's mom, revealing a table filled with all sorts of delicious treats. There were sandwiches, fruits, and even a big chocolate cake!

Annie and Sammy couldn't believe their eyes. They sat at the table and started filling their plates with all their favorite foods. They giggled and chatted as they ate, enjoying every bite.

As they finished their feast, Annie's mom asked, "Did you enjoy the food, girls?"

Annie and Sammy nodded enthusiastically. "Yes, it was amazing!" they exclaimed.

Annie's mom smiled and said, "Food is not only delicious, but it also brings people together. When we share a meal, we share our love and happiness with each other."

Annie and Sammy understood what Annie's mom meant. Food wasn't just something to eat; it was a way to show love and bring joy to others.

From that day on, Annie and Sammy appreciated every meal they had – whether it was a simple sandwich or a fancy dessert. They knew that every bite was made with love and filled with happiness.

And so, in the little village of Yumville, everyone lived happily ever after, enjoying the delicious food and the love it brought to their lives.