The Tale of Lex and Dale

Once, a box, like a hex, held a fox named Lex. "I feel vexed," Lex texted his friend Dale, a playful, noisy male quail. Dale, who loved to regale with tales, set sail to Lex's vale. "Don't wail, take this pail of ale," he hailed. Lex sipped the ale, feeling hale. "Let's leap over the trail," Dale urged, wagging his tail. "Okay, let's sail through the gale, like a whale," Lex agreed, feeling brave and pale. They leapt, like an exuberant flax, over the trail, past the rail, into a dale. A gale blew, making them wail, but they held onto the pail. With a tale of their leap, they were no longer vexed or frail. Lex and Dale, the fox and quail, became legends of the vale.

Answer these questions:

1. What animal is named Lex in the story? 2. Who is Lex's friend in the story? 3. What did Dale give to Lex to drink? 4. What did Dale urge Lex to do? 5. How did Lex and Dale feel at the end of the story?

On one side, write the words ending with ex and the other side, write the words ending with ale

ex ale

Write a story of your own called 'The Tale of Lex and Dale'