The Cheesy Sandwich Adventure

In a quirky kitchen, a tiny bird named Herd loved to peck at a block of cheese. "Yum! Cheddar!" he chirped. One day, Herd found a cracker and a slice of ham. "What a lark!" he squawked, "I'll make a sandwich!" He layered ham on the cracker, then added cheddar. But it toppled over. "Oh, bother!" Herd muttered. Herd's friends, Jock and Dock, saw his struggle. Using a smock and some string, they fashioned a belt. "Wrap this around your sandwich, Herd!" Jock advised. The belt held the sandwich together. Herd pecked at it happily. "This is the best sandwich I've ever tasted!" he declared. From then on, Herd, Jock, and Dock spent every lunch making quirky, delicious sandwiches together.

Answer these questions:

  1. Who loved to peck at a block of cheese?
  2. What did Herd find one day?
  3. What did Herd decide to make with the cracker and slice of ham?
  4. What did Jock and Dock use to hold the sandwich together?
  5. What did Herd, Jock, and Dock spend every lunch doing together?

On one side, write the words ending with erd and the other side, write the words ending with ock

erd ock

Write a story of your own called 'The Cheesy Sandwich Adventure'