The Joyful Garden Crew

In a hidden garden, a red bird named Herd loved to view the morning dew. Herd lived in a tree, with a cheeky squirrel named Lew. Lew loved to chew on his food loudly, which Herd found quite rude. One day, a new bird named Dew flew in. "I've heard you're the best at Hide and Seek," chirped Dew, "I want to join your crew!" So, Herd, Lew, and Dew played. They hid in the flower bed, the garden shed, and under the old brew pot. Each game they played, their bond grew. From dawn to dusk, they laughed and flew. The garden crew, Herd, Lew, and Dew proved that a friend indeed is a friend who's true. Their friendship, like the morning dew, was always new, and their hearts forever glued.

Answer these questions:

1. What color was the bird named Herd? 2. Who did Herd live with in the tree? 3. What did Lew like to do loudly? 4. What did the new bird named Dew want to do with Herd and Lew? 5. Where did Herd, Lew, and Dew hide when they played Hide and Seek?

On one side, write the words ending with erd and the other side, write the words ending with ew

erd ew

Write a story of your own called 'The Joyful Garden Crew'