The Quest for the Pink Sink

In a den lived Ben, a clever, keen hen. Ben had a pen, but he had a yen for something more than just the ten hens in his den. "Let's seek," said Ben, "a pink, spotted sink, in a hidden, quiet link." Off went Ben, Jen, and Ken, to find the legendary pink sink. They trekked down a deep glen, across a muddy fen, and up the steep side of a stony ben. Suddenly, they spied a twinkling wink. It was the pink sink! The sink began to blink and out popped a jolly, round monk. "Think and wink," he said, "then drink from the pink sink." They thought of chocolate, winked, and drank. Lo, it was a chocolate drink! They relished in their yummy chocolate link, then thanked the monk and returned to their den.

Answer these questions:

  1. Who lived in the den?
  2. What did Ben have in his pen?
  3. What did Ben, Jen, and Ken go to find?
  4. What color was the sink they found?
  5. What did they drink from the pink sink?

On one side, write the words ending with en and the other side, write the words ending with ink

en ink

Write a story of your own called 'The Quest for the Pink Sink'