Gem and Pauls Tall Call

In a small stall, a hen, named Gem, lived by the wall. She felt small and often had a fall. "Why can't I fly at all?" she'd bawl. One day, Gem saw a ball. With a call, she made a hall through the tall hay. The ball made her feel tall. "If I can roll, I can crawl, and then I might not fall," she said. Gem tried to crawl but had a fall. She began to bawl and squall. Suddenly, she saw a small quail named Paul. Paul saw Gem's fall. "Don't bawl, Gem. We all fall," said Paul with a drawl. "But think of the ball. It can't crawl, yet it rolls tall." Gem felt a new call. With a squall, she let go of her fall. Now, she stands tall, against any and all wall.

Answer these questions:


Where did Gem live?


What did Gem see one day?


What did Gem try to do but had a fall?


Who did Gem meet after her fall?


How did Gem feel at the end of the story?

On one side, write the words ending with em and the other side, write the words ending with all

em all

Write a story of your own called 'Gem and Pauls Tall Call'