Gabs Grab and Megs Bag

In a snug, cosy cab, lived a pig named Gab. Gab loved to nab bags of pork rind from a local lab. One day, a crab, named Meg, hopped into the cab. "Did you grab my bag of pork rind, Gab?" Meg asked in a sad tone. Gab had a big slab of pork rind in his gob. He felt a tad bad. "I did nab your bag, Meg," Gab said, feeling a bit of a drag. Suddenly, a tabby cat, named Deb, hopped in the cab. Deb had a knack for finding pork rind. With a wag of her tail, she gave Meg a bag. Meg was so glad, she began to brag, "Deb, you're fab!" Gab, feeling a tag of shame, said, "I'll tag along to the lab, and bring back a bag for each of us." And so, they all enjoyed a feast of pork rind, under the warm cab light, their faces all aglow.

Answer these questions:

1. What is the name of the pig in the story? 2. Where did Gab like to get bags of pork rind from? 3. Who hopped into the cab with Gab and Meg? 4. How did Meg feel when Gab said he had nabbed her bag of pork rind? 5. How did they all feel after enjoying a feast of pork rind under the warm cab light?

On one side, write the words ending with eg and the other side, write the words ending with ab

eg ab

Write a story of your own called 'Gabs Grab and Megs Bag'