Pete, Cheer, and Jeets Polka Feat

In a quiet street, lives a sweet pet named Pete. He's a clever parakeet who loves to tweet. Pete has a dear friend, a deer named Cheer. Cheer loves to leap and has a strong, steady beat. One day, Pete and Cheer meet a new friend, Jeet. Jeet is a cricketer, always fit and neat. He's fleet on his feet, and can't be beat. Jeet invites Pete and Cheer to compete in a polka contest on the main street. They all feel the heat, their hearts drumming to the beat. At the contest, there's a big feat. Pete, Cheer and Jeet dance to the polka beat. The crowd cheers in sweet delight, their cheers echoing in the night. The trio win the polka meet, proving they're the best on the street. It's a feat that's hard to beat. Despite the tension, they feel complete. They cheer, "Polka is so neat!"

Answer these questions:

1. How does Pete like to communicate? 2. Who is Pete's dear friend? 3. What sport does Jeet play? 4. Where does the polka contest take place? 5. How do Pete, Cheer, and Jeet feel after winning the polka meet?

On one side, write the words ending with eer and the other side, write the words ending with et

eer et

Write a story of your own called 'Pete, Cheer, and Jeets Polka Feat'