Max's Mix-up Meal

In a small box lived a clever fox named Max. Max loved to cook and bake, using a mix of leek and flax. One day, Max had a plan. He would make the best sandwich in the land. He peeled an apple, then a pear, dreaming of a meal that was beyond compare. In came Jax, a jolly seal, holding a reel of bread made of meal. "Can I help?" asked Jax with a good feel, for he knew Max's sandwich would be a big deal. They worked in harmony, Max and Jax, sizzling bacon on a hot wax. The smell of the sandwich brought Lex, the bee, who offered honey from a sax. Together they enjoyed the meal, their friendship as real as steel. Max, Jax, and Lex, a perfect team, proved that sharing can make any meal a dream.

Answer these questions:

  1. Who lived in a small box?
  2. What did Max like to cook and bake with?
  3. What was Max's plan?
  4. Who came in and offered to help Max?
  5. Who joined Max and Jax to enjoy the meal?

On one side, write the words ending with eel and the other side, write the words ending with ax

eel ax

Write a story of your own called 'Max's Mix-up Meal'