Lesson Time Allocation Resources Needed Introduction Development Conclusion Assessment
Lesson 1 1 hour Printouts of Édouard Manet's artwork, projector, art supplies (paper, pencils, colors) Introduce Édouard Manet and his famous artwork Olympia. Show examples of his other works. Discuss the style and elements of Olympia. Ask students to create a simple sketch of Olympia using pencils. Encourage them to focus on the main features and composition. Share and discuss the sketches as a class. Highlight different interpretations and styles. Observe students' engagement and participation during the discussion. Assess their understanding of Édouard Manet's artwork.
Lesson 2 1.5 hours Printouts of Olympia, art supplies (canvas or thick paper, acrylic paint, brushes) Review Édouard Manet's artwork Olympia and discuss the main medium he used (acrylic paint). Show examples of paintings created with this medium. Guide students through the process of creating their own painting inspired by Olympia using acrylic paint. Encourage them to experiment with colors and brushstrokes. Provide time for students to share their finished paintings with the class. Create an art gallery display of their work. Assess students' ability to use acrylic paint effectively and their creativity in creating their own painting inspired by Olympia.
Lesson 3 1 hour Printouts of original image inspired by Olympia, art supplies (paper, pencils, colors) Show students an original image inspired by Olympia. Discuss the elements that make it inspired by the artwork. Ask students to create their own artwork inspired by Olympia using the original image as a reference. Encourage them to focus on incorporating similar elements and composition. Allow students to share their artwork with the class. Discuss what elements they used to create the connection to Olympia. Evaluate students' ability to create an artwork inspired by Olympia and their understanding of the elements that make it inspired by the original.
Lesson 4 1.5 hours Art supplies (paper, pencils, colors, scissors, glue, cardboard) Introduce the concept of an interesting way to share artwork. Show examples of interactive art displays or pop-up cards. Guide students in creating their own pop-up card inspired by Olympia. They can incorporate their own artwork or elements inspired by Édouard Manet. Give students the opportunity to share and present their pop-up cards to the class. Discuss the different techniques used and the connection to Olympia. Assess students' ability to create a pop-up card and their creativity in incorporating elements inspired by Olympia.
Lesson 5 1 hour Printouts of Édouard Manet's artwork, art supplies (paper, pencils, colors) Review Édouard Manet's artwork and discuss the different emotions and expressions portrayed in his paintings. Show examples of different facial expressions. Ask students to choose a painting by Édouard Manet and create their own version with a different facial expression. Encourage them to focus on the emotions conveyed. Allow students to share their artwork and discuss the different facial expressions portrayed. Discuss how the change in expression affects the overall mood of the painting. Assess students' ability to create a different facial expression in their artwork and their understanding of how it affects the mood.
Lesson 6 1.5 hours Art supplies (paper, pencils, colors, clay, glue) Introduce the concept of mixed media art and show examples of artwork combining different materials. Guide students in creating their own mixed media artwork inspired by Édouard Manet's Olympia. They can use a combination of drawing, painting, and clay modeling. Provide time for students to share their mixed media artwork with the class. Discuss the different materials and techniques used. Evaluate students' ability to create a mixed media artwork and their creativity in combining different materials inspired by Olympia.