The Stormy Adventure

In a place where the sun always blazed, lived three friends: Liz, Fizz and Maze. Fizz was a whizz at games, while Maze was a little daze. One day, the sky turned a hazy grey. "A storm will whizz in," Liz said, in dismay. Off they ran with a frantic pace, but Fizz slipped and fell on his face. "No time for this," Liz said, "We must find a safe base." They found a cosy cave, away from the storm's raze. Inside, they made a fire with a blaze. Fizz, with his wit, told tales that amazed. Maze, out of his daze, joined in the fun and played. By the time the storm did cease, they had created a fun-filled feast. They learnt, even in a storm's hiss, you can find happiness and bliss.

Answer these questions:

1. What are the names of the three friends in the story? 2. Why did Liz say they needed to find a safe base? 3. Where did the friends find shelter from the storm? 4. What did Fizz do to entertain his friends in the cave? 5. What did the friends learn while they were in the cave during the storm?

On one side, write the words ending with aze and the other side, write the words ending with is

aze is

Write a story of your own called 'The Stormy Adventure'