Kangs Quest for the Perfect Hug

In the cheerful town of Dang, lived a small kangaroo named Kang. He had a mate named Fang, who loved to bang a gong. One sunny day, Kang set off on a quest to find the perfect hug. He tried hugging the blazing sun's rays, but it was an amaze. "Too hot!" Kang said, pulling away in a daze. He tried to hug the ocean's sprays, but it was a craze. "Too wet!" Kang said, in a haze. Next, he tried to hug the swift, cool breeze, but it was a blaze. "Too cold!" Kang said, in a glaze. Feeling sad, Kang sat under a mangrove, when suddenly, he heard a clang. It was Fang, with an eager gaze. Fang wrapped her arms around Kang, who felt a warm, loving squeeze. "Just right," Kang said, his heart in a blaze. And that's how Kang found the perfect hug, in the arms of Fang, the one he loves.

Answer these questions:

```html 1. What is the name of the small kangaroo in the story? 2. Who is Kang's mate in the story? 3. What did Kang try to hug first in his quest for the perfect hug? 4. How did Kang feel when he hugged the blazing sun's rays? 5. Where did Kang finally find the perfect hug? ```

On one side, write the words ending with aze and the other side, write the words ending with ang

aze ang

Write a story of your own called 'Kangs Quest for the Perfect Hug'