Ray, Fay, and Jay at Play

In a cool, calm pool, a fish named Ray loved to play. He'd sway and spray, then lay on a bay leaf all day. One day, a seagull named Jay dropped a tray of ravioli in the pool. "Hey!" said Ray, "What a day!" Ray's friend, Fay, a snail, slid to the pool. "May I stay and play?" she asked. "Yes, all day!" Ray said. They tried the ravioli. "Yay!" said Fay, "It's okay!" As the sun set, they felt full and cool. "What a wonderful day," said Ray, "with ravioli and play." And in the pool, under the moon's gray ray, Ray, Fay, and Jay lay, dreaming of the next fun day.

Answer these questions:

```html 1. What is the name of the fish in the story? 2. Who dropped a tray of ravioli in the pool? 3. Who asked if they could stay and play in the pool? 4. How did Fay feel about the ravioli they tried? 5. What were Ray, Fay, and Jay doing under the moon? ```

On one side, write the words ending with ay and the other side, write the words ending with ool

ay ool

Write a story of your own called 'Ray, Fay, and Jay at Play'