Dave the Brave Bee and the Queens Cape

Once upon a time, in a bustling hive, lived a brave bee named Dave. Dave loved buzzing, exploring, and finding things. One morning, he found a package while diving. Dave was singing, "What could this be? Maybe something for the queen bee!" Heaving the package, Dave flew back, leaving a long wavering path. On arriving, the queen was having tea. Dave gave the package, saying, "For thee!" Peeling the wrapping, the queen found a cape. "Oh, a cape for brave! Just my thing!" she said, twirling and swinging. Seeing the queen so happy and waving, Dave felt a joy overwhelming. His heart was glowing, knowing his finding had done something amazing. From that day, Dave kept on exploring, bringing back treasures and never stopping. And every bee in the hive agreed, Dave was indeed brave and loving!

Answer these questions:

1. What did Dave find while diving? 2. What did Dave think the package might be for? 3. How did Dave feel when he saw the queen happy and waving? 4. What did the queen find when she peeled the wrapping? 5. What did the other bees in the hive think of Dave?

On one side, write the words ending with ave and the other side, write the words ending with ing

ave ing

Write a story of your own called 'Dave the Brave Bee and the Queens Cape'