In a sunny farmyard, a small bird named Bard lived in an old, hard, red barn. Bard loved to hum a sweet, warm charm. One day, he found a discarded glass jar. It was a perfect, clear, starry jar.
"Could it be a magic jar?" Bard whispered, his eyes full of wonder.
With a soft, dreamy flutter, he put in a soft, fluffy feather. Then, he added a vibrant, green fern. Picked from the farm, he dropped in a worm.
Back in his barn, Bard earned a surprise. The jar squirmed and churned. It shone with a glow that confirmed his belief.
"Gasp! A magic jar!" cried Bard.
Now, Bard's barn was never dull or stern. With his magic jar, Bard learned dreams can turn real if you're willing to yearn.
Answer these questions:
1. What did Bard find in the farmyard?
2. What did Bard put in the glass jar?
3. What happened when Bard brought the jar back to his barn?
4. How did Bard feel when he realized the jar was magic?
5. What lesson did Bard learn from his magic jar?
On one side, write the words ending with ard and the other side, write the words ending with erm
Write a story of your own called 'Bards Magic Jar'