Gape and Tags Adventure

In the majestic land of bamboo, lived a panda named Gape. Gape was always in a cape, playing with a tape. One day, he found a big, shiny grape. "Oh, what a great shape!" he said, as he began to scrape it with a paper. Suddenly, Gape saw a big bag. It was a rag bag, filled with flags and tags. "Who would drag such a bag?" Gape wondered. Just then, a tiny magpie named Tag, flew down from a crag. She was wearing a red tag. "That's my bag!" she said. Gape gave her the bag and they began to brag about their findings. From that day, Gape and Tag were the best of pals, always ready for a new adventure, in their majestic world of bamboo and beyond.

Answer these questions:

```html 1. What is the name of the panda in the story? 2. What was Gape playing with while wearing his cape? 3. What did Gape find one day that he thought had a great shape? 4. Who flew down from a crag and claimed the bag filled with flags and tags? 5. What did Gape and Tag do after Gape returned the bag to Tag? ```

On one side, write the words ending with ape and the other side, write the words ending with ag

ape ag

Write a story of your own called 'Gape and Tags Adventure'