Zacks Amazing Race

In a quaint pack of shacks, lived Zack, a horse with a knack for racing on the track. His rival, Jack, was also no slack. One day, Zack found a strange map in his snack. It led to a stack of gold in an old, black shack. "I must get back before Jack," thought Zack. With a clack, Zack was off, angling through the paddock. But Jack, with a sang-froid, sprang into action. They raced, their hooves going clack, clack, clack. They took a zig-zag track, past a gang of quacking ducks and a clang of banging pans. Zack, with a pang of fear, saw Jack ahead. But he fought back, pushing faster, harder, stronger. With a final, thrilling leap, Zack beat Jack to the shack, the gold stack now his prize. Victory was no longer a lack for Zack.

Answer these questions:

1. What did Zack find in his snack? 2. Where did the strange map lead to? 3. What noise did their hooves make as they raced? 4. Who did Zack see ahead of him near the shack? 5. What did Zack win at the end of the race?

On one side, write the words ending with ang and the other side, write the words ending with ack

ang ack

Write a story of your own called 'Zacks Amazing Race'