The Leprechauns Treasure Hunt

In a glen, 'neath the trees, lived three wee leprechauns called Bess, Tess and Jess. With lamps that glow, they'd scamper to and fro, their steps as light as a wisp's caress. One night, Bess found a map, rolled tight in a cap. "It leads to a treasure chest," she cries. Tess gave a gasp and Jess clapped as they began their quest under starry skies. Through brambles and vines, past sleeping pines, they tramped. Their hearts filled with zest. At the spot, they dug, their hopes high and snug. They found a box, no less! In the chest, was a note, which Bess read aloud, her voice a happy camp. "For hearts so pure, this treasure's sure - a lifetime supply of fairy lamps!" So, they danced with glee, those leprechauns three, their joy endless under the moon's crescent. Every night, they'd play, their lamps lighting the way, their laughter echoing the forest's enchantment.

Answer these questions:

1. What were the names of the three leprechauns who lived in the glen? 2. Where did Bess find the map that led to a treasure chest? 3. What did the leprechauns find inside the treasure chest? 4. What was the treasure that the leprechauns found in the chest? 5. How did the leprechauns feel when they found the treasure?

On one side, write the words ending with amp and the other side, write the words ending with es

amp es

Write a story of your own called 'The Leprechauns Treasure Hunt'