Lesson Objective Time Allocation Resources Needed Introduction Development Conclusion Assessment
Lesson 1 Objective 1 45 minutes Books or online resources about Éamon de Valera Introduce Éamon de Valera as a historical figure and explain that the objective is to learn about his life, where and when he lived, and what he is famous for. Provide children with books or online resources about Éamon de Valera. Allow them to explore and find information about his life, birthplace, and achievements. Have a class discussion where children share their findings and create a collective understanding of Éamon de Valera's life and accomplishments. Informally assess children's participation in the class discussion and their ability to summarize Éamon de Valera's life.
Lesson 2 Objective 2 60 minutes Books about Irish history, drawing materials Explain that the objective is to explore Éamon de Valera's contributions to society and culture. Discuss the impact he had on his time and how his work has influenced the world. Read aloud from books about Irish history, focusing on the section about Éamon de Valera's contributions. Discuss his political career, involvement in the Easter Rising, and establishment of the Irish constitution. Engage the children in a group activity where they create a mind map or poster highlighting the impact of Éamon de Valera's work on Irish society and culture. Assess children's ability to contribute to the group activity and their understanding of Éamon de Valera's contributions.
Lesson 3 Objective 3 45 minutes Pen and paper Explain that the objective is to connect Éamon de Valera to the children's lives. Facilitate a discussion where children brainstorm ways in which Éamon de Valera's work and achievements relate to their own lives. Encourage them to think about the importance of leadership, democracy, and independence. Ask children to write a short paragraph or draw a picture depicting how they can apply Éamon de Valera's values and principles in their daily lives. Assess children's ability to participate in the discussion and the depth of their reflection on connecting Éamon de Valera to their lives.
Lesson 4 Objective 4 60 minutes Large poster paper, markers, printed pictures or drawings of Éamon de Valera Explain that the objective is to design a timeline of Éamon de Valera's life. Show children pictures or drawings of Éamon de Valera at different stages of his life. Discuss each picture, providing relevant information about his achievements during that period. Divide the class into small groups and assign each group a specific time period. In their groups, children design and create a timeline of Éamon de Valera's life, including important events and achievements. Assess the accuracy and completeness of the timelines created by each group.