Sam and Tims Cupcake Adventure

Once upon a time, in a town named Bram, lived a kind lamb named Sam. Sam had a best friend, a tiny bird named Tim. Tim was always kind, never grim. One day, Sam had a plan. "Let's bake cupcakes!" he said with a grin. "That sounds grand!" chirped Tim, filled with vim. They bought jam, ham, and a tin of cream. Sam stirred the mix and Tim added a gleam. They baked six cupcakes, rich and round. The smell was so divine, it spread all around. "Let's share!" said Sam, feeling proud, and soon all of Bram was gathered in a crowd. Everyone loved the treat, sweet and soft, and they cheered, "Three cheers for Sam and Tim. Hip, hip, hooray!" And so, the friends felt happy and warm, knowing they could weather any storm.

Answer these questions:

1. What was the name of the kind lamb in the story? 2. Who was Sam's best friend? 3. What did Sam and Tim want to bake? 4. How many cupcakes did Sam and Tim bake? 5. Why did everyone cheer for Sam and Tim?

On one side, write the words ending with am and the other side, write the words ending with ind

am ind

Write a story of your own called 'Sam and Tims Cupcake Adventure'