Sam, Pam, and Rams Icy Adventure

In a cosy little hamlet, Sam, Pam, and a lamb named Ram had a plan. They wanted to play, make a fun day, come what may. They ran to the icy dam, as fast as a gram on a tram. Pam slipped on the ice. Oh, it wasn't nice! Sam and Ram scampered to slice the ice. "Wham!" went Sam's hand. But the ice didn't disband. Ram then took a stand, ramming the ice with a grand slam. The ice broke free, making Pam as happy as could be. They played till twilight, full of delight and appetite. Back home, they ate spicy jam and rice, feeling oh so nice. Tired but full of joy, they whispered, "Best play day, oh boy!"

Answer these questions:

```html 1.

Who are the main characters in the story?


Where did Sam, Pam, and Ram go to play?


What happened to Pam on the ice?


How did they finally break the ice?


What did they eat when they went back home?


On one side, write the words ending with am and the other side, write the words ending with ice

am ice

Write a story of your own called 'Sam, Pam, and Rams Icy Adventure'