The Cat in the Village

In a quirky village, filled with glee, lived a mouse, a cat, and a bumblebee. They loved to play, jump, and rage, on a stage made of cheese, every single day. The mouse was gentle, bashful, and bent, on making his friends happy and content. The cat, quite large, with eyes so sage, loved to read from his picture page. The bumblebee, with her stripey tent, buzzed and hummed in sweet ascent. She made honey, pure and fragrant, which made everyone feel so decadent. One day, the cat, in a funny rage, got stuck in a cage, on their playing stage. Mouse and bee, with a plan so urgent, set out to free him, feeling fervent. With a tug and a push, and a little dent, they freed the cat, who was now repent. They all laughed and danced, feeling quite sage, on their goofy stage, in their quirky village.

Answer these questions:


Who were the three main characters in the story?


What did the cat love to do?


What did the bumblebee make that made everyone feel decadent?


Why did the cat get stuck in a cage?


How did the mouse and the bumblebee help free the cat?

On one side, write the words ending with age and the other side, write the words ending with ent

age ent

Write a story of your own called 'The Cat in the Village'