Jack the Best Pencil

In a tiny nest, lived a pencil named Jack. Jack, the best in the west, loved to draw on a stack of paper. He would sketch a rack, a pack, or even a quack! One day, Jack felt a crack and saw his tip was black. "Oh no, I need to go to the rest," thought Jack, feeling stressed. At the desk, sat a jesting jester, jesting with zest. Jack asked, "Can you mend the crack?" The jester, with a quest, looked at Jack. "Don't be stressed. I've got a chest full of zest. Let's put your crack to the test." With a tack and some paste, the jester fixed Jack's face. Jack, feeling blessed, went back to his nest and drew with new zest. The story of Jack, the best pencil in the west, left everyone impressed.

Answer these questions:

  1. Who lived in a tiny nest?
  2. What did Jack love to draw on?
  3. What did Jack feel and see one day?
  4. Where did Jack go to get fixed?
  5. How did Jack feel after getting fixed?

On one side, write the words ending with ack and the other side, write the words ending with est

ack est

Write a story of your own called 'Jack the Best Pencil'