Jacks Knack

Once upon a time, in a town far, there lived a lad named Jack. Jack had a knack for fixing cars. His best pals were a cat named Char and a duck called Quack. One day, Jack found a broken vacuum in a sack. "Ah, a new task!" Jack said. He started to unpack the parts with a crack and a smack. Char purred from the back, and Quack quacked, "Quack, Jack, attack the task!" Jack worked hard. He fixed the vacuum part by part, from the handlebar to the back. When he finished, he gave the vacuum a pat. "Look, Char and Quack, it's back on track!" Char and Quack cheered for Jack. He had turned a sack of scrap to a vacuum that could clean every nook and cranny, leaving no dirt in the track. From then on, whenever a car or a vacuum would crack, everyone in the town knew where to go. "Find Jack!" they'd say. "He has a knack for bringing things back!" And Jack, with Char and Quack, would always be ready to attack the task. Together, they made their town sparkle and shine, just like a star.

Answer these questions:

1. What was the name of the lad in the story? 2. Who were Jack's best pals? 3. What did Jack find in the sack? 4. How did Jack feel when he finished fixing the vacuum? 5. What did everyone in the town know about Jack?

On one side, write the words ending with ack and the other side, write the words ending with ar

ack ar

Write a story of your own called 'Jacks Knack'