Lesson Time Allocation Resources Needed Introduction Development Conclusion Assessment
1: History of Wicklow 60 min Books on Wicklow history, internet access Introduce the history of Wicklow, focusing on the name origin.
  • Discussion about the origin of Wicklow's name
  • Reading stories about Wicklow's history
  • Researching the history online
Sum up the main points of Wicklow's history. Students write a short summary of what they learned.
2: Notable Person from Wicklow 60 min Biography of Charles Stewart Parnell Introduce Charles Stewart Parnell, a notable figure from Wicklow.
  • Reading about Parnell's life
  • Discussion about his contribution
  • Role-play of significant events in his life
Discuss the impact of Parnell on Ireland. Students write an essay about Parnell's life.
3: Geography of Wicklow 60 min Maps of Wicklow, internet access Introduce the natural geography of Wicklow.
  • Identifying geographical features on the map
  • Researching about these features online
  • Discussion about how these features influence life in Wicklow
Discuss the importance of Wicklow's geography. Students create a poster about Wicklow's geography.
4: Mapping Skills 60 min Blank maps, color pens Introduce the concept of mapping.
  • Drawing major landmarks on the blank map
  • Coloring different areas according to their features
  • Adding a legend to the map
Discuss the importance of accurate mapping. Students present their maps to the class.
5: Biodiversity of Wicklow 60 min Books on Wicklow's flora and fauna, internet access Introduce the concept of biodiversity.
  • Researching Wicklow's biodiversity
  • Discussion about the importance of protecting biodiversity
  • Brainstorming ways to protect local biodiversity
Summarize the importance of biodiversity and its protection. Students write a report on Wicklow's biodiversity and how to protect it.
6: Visual Arts 60 min Art supplies Introduce the idea of using the local area as a stimulus for art.
  • Sketching a local landmark
  • Painting a local landscape
  • Creating a sculpture inspired by local wildlife
Discuss how the local area can inspire art. Students present their artwork to the class.
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