Welcome to Wicklow

Wicklow is a very special townland in Ireland, full of stories and history. Many, many years ago, long before your grandparents were born, Vikings sailed their longships to this place. They liked Wicklow so much that they decided to stay and build a settlement. That's why you can still find Viking signs and symbols around the town today!

One famous story from Wicklow's history is about a brave lady named Saint Kevin. She lived over a thousand years ago. She loved nature and animals so much that she decided to live in a cave in the nearby mountains. Stories say that even wild animals were her friends. Her love for nature made Wicklow a famous place for people who enjoy beautiful landscapes and wildlife.

Today, Wicklow is known as the "Garden of Ireland" because of its blooming flowers, lush green fields, and majestic mountains. People from all over the world come to visit, just like the Vikings did a long time ago. Isn't it wonderful to know how a small townland can have such a big history?

  1. Who were the first people to sail to Wicklow and decide to stay there?
  2. Who was Saint Kevin and what is she famous for?
  3. Why is Wicklow known as the "Garden of Ireland"?
  4. Why do you think the Vikings decided to stay in Wicklow?
  5. If you could ask Saint Kevin one question, what would it be and why?

All About Wicklow

Wicklow is a beautiful town in Ireland, known as the "Garden of Ireland". It's full of amazing nature and exciting places to explore! Wicklow is surrounded by tall mountains like the Great Sugar Loaf. During a hike, you might spot some heather and gorse, wildflowers that paint the mountains purple and yellow. Maybe you'll even see a red deer, the largest animal in Ireland!

In the town, you might walk along Main Street, where you'll see lovely shops and houses. You might also see some interesting street furniture, like old-fashioned lamp posts and benches where you can rest.

One of the most special places in Wicklow is the River Vartry. It flows peacefully through the town, and you might see ducks swimming there. If you follow it, you'll end up at the beautiful Wicklow Harbour, where boats rest on the sparkling sea.

Another exciting place to visit is the Wicklow Gaol, an old jail that is now a museum. But don't worry, it's not scary, it's really interesting! Remember, Wicklow isn't just a town, it's a big outdoor playground full of surprises. Can't wait for you to explore it!

  1. What mountain range surrounds Wicklow and what type of wildflowers might you see there?
  2. Describe some of the features you might see on Main Street in Wicklow.
  3. What is the River Vartry and where does it lead to?
  4. What is an interesting historical location in Wicklow and what is its function today?
  5. Using a map of Wicklow, can you identify and describe another geographical feature not mentioned in the text? Go explore!

My Family and Wicklow

Hi, I'm Pat, an 8-year-old living in the beautiful town of Wicklow! It's really cool here; we have lots of amazing places. One of my favourites is the Wicklow Mountains. They're so high and make me feel like I'm on top of the world! I love going on hikes with my family and our dog, Max.

Another place I like is the Glendalough, it's a valley with two lakes. It's so calm and peaceful there. I sometimes imagine I'm in a fairy tale, with all the birds chirping and the wind whispering through the trees.

We also have the Wicklow Gaol, it’s an old jail turned into a museum. I learned a lot about history there and it was a bit scary but fun. Our school takes us on trips to these places and it's always an adventure.

Living in Wicklow is really fun. There's always something to do and see. It's like growing up in a big playground with so many places to explore!

  1. What is your favourite place in Wicklow and why?
  2. Can you describe the feeling when you are on top of the Wicklow Mountains?
  3. What is the most interesting thing you learned at the Wicklow Gaol?
  4. How do you imagine a fairy tale at Glendalough?
  5. Why do you think living in Wicklow is like growing up in a big playground?

The Logainm of Wicklow

Wicklow is a beautiful place in Ireland. The name 'Wicklow' comes from the Old Norse language, which was spoken by Vikings a long time ago. The Old Norse word is 'Vikingalág' which means 'meadow of the Vikings'. So, Wicklow is called 'the meadow of the Vikings' in English. Isn't that interesting?

Long, long ago, Vikings came to Ireland in their big, wooden ships. They settled in many places, including Wicklow and even gave it its name! Imagine, those brave and adventurous Vikings walking around in Wicklow, just like you might do today. They must have thought Wicklow was a lovely meadow to live in.

Now, even after hundreds of years, we still call this place by its Viking name - Wicklow. Whenever you hear or say 'Wicklow', remember, it means 'meadow of the Vikings'. Who knew history could be so much fun!

  1. What does 'Wicklow' mean in English?
  2. Who gave Wicklow its name?
  3. What language was 'Vikingalág' from?
  4. Why do you think the Vikings called Wicklow 'meadow of the Vikings'?
  5. How is the name 'Wicklow' connected to its history?

Slideshow - Wicklow
A full set of teaching plans for teaching about Wicklow