Lesson 1: The Story of Whit Monday

Time Allocation: 45 minutes

Resources Needed: Bible stories about Pentecost, images of Pentecost, white clothes for symbolic use

Introduction: Introduce the concept of Pentecost and its significance in Christianity.

Development: Read and discuss the story of Pentecost from the Bible. Explore the meaning and historical context of Whit Monday.

Conclusion: Recap the story and discuss its importance in Christianity.

Assessment: Ask students to draw or write about their understanding of the story of Pentecost.

Lesson 2: Symbols and Traditions of Whit Monday

Time Allocation: 60 minutes

Resources Needed: Symbols of Pentecost (dove, flames), craft materials for making symbols

Introduction: Discuss the symbols associated with Pentecost.

Development: Create symbols of Pentecost through crafts. Explore the significance of each symbol.

Conclusion: Display and explain the crafted symbols. Discuss their importance in celebrating Whit Monday.

Assessment: Ask students to explain the meaning of the symbols they created.

Lesson 3: Connecting Whit Monday to Daily Life

Time Allocation: 45 minutes

Resources Needed: Real-life examples of sharing and community service

Introduction: Discuss the concept of sharing and community in the context of Whit Monday.

Development: Explore ways students can show kindness and share with others in their daily lives.

Conclusion: Reflect on how students can incorporate the values of Whit Monday in their actions.

Assessment: Ask students to share a story of a time they showed kindness to others.

Lesson 4: Exploring Concepts of Whit Monday

Time Allocation: 60 minutes

Resources Needed: Discussion cards with scenarios related to sharing and community, whiteboard and markers

Introduction: Introduce scenarios that prompt discussions on sharing and community.

Development: Engage students in discussions about the concepts of sharing, kindness, and community service.

Conclusion: Summarize key concepts learned and their relevance to Whit Monday.

Assessment: Students write or draw about their understanding of sharing and community after the discussion.

Lesson 5: Interactive Whit Monday Quiz

Time Allocation: 30 minutes

Resources Needed: Quiz questions related to the story, symbols, and traditions of Whit Monday

Introduction: Divide students into teams for a fun quiz session.

Development: Ask quiz questions about Whit Monday, encouraging students to recall what they have learned.

Conclusion: Celebrate the winning team and review key points from the quiz.

Assessment: Evaluate students' participation and knowledge through their responses in the quiz.

Lesson 6: Artistic Representation of Whit Monday

Time Allocation: 60 minutes

Resources Needed: Art supplies, reference images of Pentecost or Whit Monday celebrations

Introduction: Discuss the visual representation of Whit Monday in art.

Development: Encourage students to create their artistic interpretations of Whit Monday using various art techniques.

Conclusion: Display and discuss the artworks, highlighting each student's unique representation.

Assessment: Evaluate students' artworks based on creativity, relevance to the theme, and effort.