Literacy, Numeracy, Science

Subjects covered: Literacy, Numeracy, Science
  • Read the book "We're Going on a Bear Hunt" by Michael Rosen
  • Discuss the story and ask questions to promote comprehension
  • Retell the story using props and actions
  • Write and illustrate their own version of the story
  • Count and sort different types of bears
  • Create a graph to represent the number of different bears
  • Explore different materials and textures for sensory play
  • Observe and record the changes in water when mixing with different substances
  • Investigate the concept of floating and sinking using various objects
  • "We're Going on a Bear Hunt" book
  • Props for storytelling (e.g., stuffed animals, sensory materials)
  • Drawing materials for illustrating their own story
  • Bear counters or bear-shaped objects
  • Graph paper or whiteboard for creating the graph
  • Various materials for sensory play (e.g., sand, water, fabric)
  • Bowls or containers for mixing substances
  • Objects of different weights and sizes for the floating and sinking activity
  • Provide visual supports for the story, such as picture cards or a storyboard
  • Offer multiple levels of writing support, including pre-drawn lines or sentence starters
  • Provide additional counting support, such as manipulatives or number lines
  • Allow students to choose their preferred materials for sensory play
  • Provide extra guidance and support during science investigations
  • Encourage students to explain their observations and thoughts in their own way

Arts Subjects

Subjects covered:




Visual Arts

  • Create bear masks using paper plates, paint, and craft materials.
  • Make bear paw prints using paint and large sheets of paper.
  • Design and decorate a bear cave using recycled materials.
  • Paper plates
  • Paint
  • Craft materials (e.g., googly eyes, pipe cleaners)
  • Large sheets of paper
  • Recycled materials (e.g., cardboard boxes, plastic bottles)
  • Provide additional support for students who may require assistance with cutting or painting.
  • Encourage creativity by allowing students to choose their own colors and materials for their masks and cave designs.


  • Learn and sing the "We're Going on a Bear Hunt" song.
  • Create sound effects using instruments or body percussion to accompany the story.
  • Compose a new song or chant about going on a bear hunt.
  • Lyrics or video of the "We're Going on a Bear Hunt" song
  • Instruments (if available)
  • Provide visual aids (e.g., pictures or gestures) to support students' understanding of the song lyrics.
  • Allow students to choose different instruments to play or contribute to the sound effects.
  • Offer opportunities for students to share their own ideas for the new song or chant.


  • Act out the story of "We're Going on a Bear Hunt" using props and movements.
  • Create freeze-frame tableaux of different scenes from the story.
  • Improvise new endings or alternative adventures for the characters.
  • Props (e.g., binoculars, bags for swishing through grass, blankets for snowstorms)
  • Provide visual cues (e.g., pictures or written prompts) to support students' retelling of the story.
  • Allow students to take on different roles and contribute their own ideas during improvisation activities.
  • Offer additional support for students who may require assistance with movement or actions.


  • Create a dance routine based on the different settings encountered in the story.
  • Move and respond to different types of music representing the various story elements.
  • Music representing different settings (e.g., forest, river, cave)
  • Provide visual prompts or descriptions of the settings to support students' understanding.
  • Offer opportunities for students to contribute their own movements or interpretations of the story elements.
  • Allow for different levels of physicality, providing options for students who may prefer slower or more energetic movements.

Station Ideas

We're going on a bear hunt

  • Storytelling Station
  • Obstacle Course Station
  • Sensory Station
  • Art and Craft Station
  • Dramatic Play Station
  • Outdoor Exploration Station
  • Listening Station
  • Movement and Dance Station
  • Science Station
  • Mathematics Station

Story Time

Once Upon a Time

There was a group of friends who loved going on adventures. One sunny day, they decided to go on a bear hunt. They packed their bags with snacks and set off on their exciting journey.

They walked through tall, swishy grass, saying, "Swishy swashy, swishy swashy!"

Next, they came across a deep, cold river. They said, "Splash splosh, splash splosh!" as they waded through the water.

After crossing the river, they found themselves in a big, dark forest. They said, "Stumble trip, stumble trip!" as they walked through the trees.

Then, they arrived at a big, squelchy mud pit. They said, "Squelch squelch, squelch squelch!" as they squished through the mud.

The friends kept going until they reached a tall, wavy field of colorful flowers. They said, "Woo hoo, woo hoo!" as they ran through the beautiful flowers.

Finally, they saw a big, dark cave. They peeked inside and saw two shiny eyes staring back at them. It was a bear!

The friends got scared and quickly ran back through the field of flowers, saying, "Woo hoo, woo hoo!"

They dashed through the squelchy mud, saying, "Squelch squelch, squelch squelch!"

They hurried through the big, dark forest, saying, "Stumble trip, stumble trip!"

They splashed back across the deep, cold river, saying, "Splash splosh, splash splosh!"

Finally, they reached their cozy home, safe and sound. They closed the door and said, "Phew, we're so glad we made it!"

The friends sat together, feeling happy and proud of their exciting bear hunt adventure. They knew they would always cherish the memories they made that day.

And from that day on, they loved telling their friends and family about their incredible bear hunt.

The end.