Section 1

A group of 55 people were recently recognized for their heroic actions in saving 29 lives during near-drowning incidents. They received awards from Water Safety Ireland at a special ceremony in Dublin Castle. Among the heroes were members of the police force, including Garda Sarah Lynam. She responded to a call about a man in distress in the River Liffey. Despite not being at the scene initially, she quickly ran to the location and found the man face down in the water. Without hesitation, Garda Lynam jumped in, turned him over, and swam to safety with him. She credits her swimming skills, which she developed from a young age, for enabling her to help others.

A father and son from Tralee, Co Kerry, also became heroes when they rescued a kite surfer and a woman in trouble at Banna Beach. Cillian, the son, noticed the kite surfer drifting out to sea and the woman struggling to swim. He grabbed a surfboard and went to check on the kite surfer, while his dad, Damien, went to help the woman. Together, they brought them back to safety. Cillian's water safety training played a crucial role in their successful rescue.

In another incident, two friends, Rebecca Ebbs and Zara Reid, sprang into action when they saw two women in distress at Buncrana beach. Rebecca swam out and brought one woman back to shore, while Zara swam out further to rescue the other woman. They made sure the women lay on their backs to float and kept them safe until help arrived.

All these brave individuals were proud that they could use their swimming skills to save lives. It's important to learn how to swim and be aware of water safety rules.

  1. What were the heroic actions of Garda Sarah Lynam?
  2. How did Cillian and his father become heroes?
  3. What did Rebecca and Zara do to help the women in distress?
  4. Why do you think it's important to learn how to swim?
  5. What are some water safety rules you should be aware of?

Section 2

Dear Journal,

My name is Conor, and I am eleven years old. I live in a small village called Clonakilty, which is nestled on the coast of Ireland. The sea has always been a big part of our community, and my parents have always stressed the importance of water safety to me and my younger sister, Ciara. Today, I wanted to write about a heroic action that took place right here in our village.

Last summer, there was a big storm that hit our coast. The wind was howling, and the waves were crashing against the rocks. It was a scary sight, but I couldn't help but be fascinated by the power of the sea. My parents, however, made sure we stayed away from the water, as they knew how dangerous it could be during a storm.

But not everyone listened to the warnings. Just as the storm was reaching its peak, a young boy named Liam decided to go for a swim. Liam was a year older than me and always seemed fearless. He was known as the best swimmer in our village, but even he couldn't predict what was about to happen.

As Liam ventured further into the water, a massive wave came crashing down on him. I watched in horror as he was swept away by the strong currents. Without thinking, I ran towards the water, shouting for help. I knew I had to do something. With every ounce of strength in me, I swam towards Liam, fighting against the powerful waves.

I reached him just as he was struggling to keep his head above water. I grabbed onto him and started swimming back towards the shore. It was the hardest thing I had ever done, but I knew I couldn't give up. With the help of some other villagers who had seen the whole thing unfold, we managed to bring Liam back to safety.

Looking back, I can't believe I was able to do something so brave. It was as if a surge of adrenaline took over me, giving me the strength and courage to help someone in need. The experience taught me just how important it is to listen to the advice of our parents and always be aware of the dangers that surround us, especially when it comes to water safety.

  1. What is the name of the village where Conor lives?
  2. Why did Conor's parents stress the importance of water safety?
  3. What happened to Liam when he went for a swim during the storm?
  4. How did Conor feel when he saw Liam being swept away?
  5. What did the experience teach Conor about water safety?

Section 3


Good evening, everyone! This is a special news report on water safety and heroic actions. I'm your host, and today we bring you some incredible stories of bravery and quick thinking.

Our first story takes us to a sunny beach where eleven-year-old Ethan saved his little sister from a dangerous rip current. Despite being a non-swimmer, Ethan remembered the water safety rules he had learned and knew that he had to act fast. He stayed calm and called for help while keeping his sister afloat until lifeguards arrived. Ethan's heroic actions saved his sister's life, and we commend him for his bravery!

In another remarkable incident, a group of students from Oakwood Elementary School rescued a dog that had fallen into a deep lake. These young heroes formed a human chain, reaching out to the struggling dog and pulling it to safety. Their quick thinking and teamwork prevented a tragedy, showing us that anyone can be a hero by taking action in times of need.

Water safety is of utmost importance, and it's crucial that we all know how to stay safe near the water. Remember, never swim alone, always swim in designated areas, and listen to lifeguards' instructions. If you see someone in trouble, don't hesitate to call for help. Your actions can save a life!

  1. Anagram Puzzle 1: RENWAT
  2. Anagram Puzzle 2: OLSOH
  3. Anagram Puzzle 3: LIFSUGRAD
  4. Anagram Puzzle 4: RECSUE
  5. Anagram Puzzle 5: NWIMISF

Section 4

In Ireland, a true event took place that showcased the importance of water safety and the heroic actions of individuals. One sunny day in the summer of 2019, a group of primary school children from St. Patrick's National School embarked on a field trip to a nearby beach. Little did they know that this trip would turn into a life-saving adventure.

As the children were enjoying their day by the sea, one of their classmates, Sarah, ventured too far into the water and suddenly found herself struggling to stay afloat. Panic spread among the children, but luckily, their teacher, Mr. O'Connor, was quick to respond. He immediately entered the water and swam towards Sarah, who was becoming increasingly distressed.

Despite the rough waves and strong currents, Mr. O'Connor reached Sarah and managed to keep her afloat until help arrived. Meanwhile, another teacher, Mrs. Murphy, had alerted the lifeguards stationed nearby. Lifeguard Mark, who was on duty that day, swiftly jumped into action. With his strong swimming skills and rescue equipment, he reached Mr. O'Connor and Sarah, guiding them safely back to the shore.

The entire incident unfolded in a matter of minutes, but the impact of the heroic actions of Mr. O'Connor and Mark was immeasurable. Their quick thinking, courage, and knowledge of water safety protocols saved Sarah's life that day.

  1. What happened during the field trip to the beach?
  2. Who was in danger during the incident?
  3. What did Mr. O'Connor do to help?
  4. How did the lifeguard, Mark, contribute to the rescue?
  5. How did the actions of Mr. O'Connor and Mark impact Sarah's life?