Lesson 1: Discovering W.B. Yeats
Objective 1
Time Allocation: 45 minutes
Resources Needed: Pictures of W.B. Yeats, books, internet access

Introduction: Introduce W.B. Yeats as a famous historical figure from Ireland. Show pictures and briefly discuss his life.
Development: Research together as a class about when and where W.B. Yeats lived, and why he is famous. Discuss his poetry and plays.
Conclusion: Recap what was learned about W.B. Yeats and his significance in history.
Assessment: Ask students to write a short paragraph about what they learned about W.B. Yeats.
Lesson 2: Exploring W.B. Yeats's Contributions
Objective 2
Time Allocation: 60 minutes
Resources Needed: Examples of Yeats's poetry and plays, art supplies

Introduction: Discuss why W.B. Yeats is considered an influential figure. Show examples of his work.
Development: Have students explore Yeats's poetry and plays. Discuss the themes and impact of his work on society and culture.
Conclusion: Reflect on the discussion and share opinions on how Yeats's work has influenced the world.
Assessment: Ask students to create a drawing or poem inspired by W.B. Yeats.
Lesson 3: Connecting W.B. Yeats to Your Life
Objective 3
Time Allocation: 45 minutes
Resources Needed: Paper, markers, discussion prompts

Introduction: Discuss how historical figures like W.B. Yeats can still be relevant to our lives today.
Development: Have students think about how Yeats's work connects to their own experiences or feelings.
Conclusion: Share and discuss the connections students made between Yeats and their own lives.
Assessment: Ask students to write a short reflection on their personal connection to W.B. Yeats.
Lesson 4: Designing a Timeline of W.B. Yeats's Life
Objective 4
Time Allocation: 60 minutes
Resources Needed: Poster board, markers, images of significant events in Yeats's life

Introduction: Explain the concept of a timeline and why they are important in understanding history.
Development: Have students work in groups to create a timeline of W.B. Yeats's life, including key events and accomplishments.
Conclusion: Present and discuss the timelines created by each group.
Assessment: Evaluate the timelines based on accuracy and creativity.