Welcome to Urlingford

Urlingford is a special little townland in County Kilkenny, Ireland. It's just like a piece of a big jigsaw puzzle that makes up the beautiful picture of Ireland. The town has a rich and fascinating history that goes way back in time.

Long, long ago, Urlingford was a bustling spot for horse and cattle fairs. Imagine farmers coming from all around with their animals, hoping to find new homes for them. It must have been quite a sight, with all the horses neighing and cows mooing!

The town is also known for its old church, which was built in 1815. That's over 200 years ago! It's like a grand old man, standing tall and keeping watch over the town.

Even though Urlingford might not have been the place for big battles or famous kings, it has its own quiet charm. Every stone, every building, and every street in Urlingford has a story to tell. It's a place where people have lived, worked, and played for many generations, each leaving their own little mark in history. And that's what makes Urlingford so special.

  1. What kind of fairs did Urlingford host long ago?
  2. When was the old church in Urlingford built?
  3. Describe Urlingford using three words based on the text.
  4. Why do you think the text refers to the old church as a 'grand old man'?
  5. If you lived in Urlingford long ago, what mark would you like to leave? Explain why.

All About Urlingford

Urlingford is a lovely small town located in County Kilkenny, Ireland. This special place is surrounded by beautiful green fields. It's known for its charming Main Street, which is the hub of the town, lined with exciting shops and restaurants where you can enjoy a yummy snack!

The town is full of natural beauty. If you love animals and plants, Urlingford is a great place to be! There are many different kinds of bird species fluttering around and you might even spot a fox or rabbit if you're lucky. The fields and hedgerows are filled with wildflowers like primroses and daisies during the spring and summer.

A significant natural feature nearby Urlingford is the River Goul. It's not very big, but it adds a lovely touch to the town's landscape. If you enjoy fishing, it's a great place to catch some fish!

And guess what? Urlingford is also home to two big hills - Garryricken and Clomantagh Hill. These hills are like giant green blankets and make for a fun adventure if you like to hike.

So, Urlingford is not just a town. It's a beautiful natural playground waiting for you to explore!

  1. What kind of bird species might you spot in Urlingford?
  2. Describe the River Goul and its importance to the landscape of Urlingford.
  3. What are the names of the two hills in Urlingford and what activities can you do there?
  4. Using a map, can you locate Urlingford and identify the main physical features mentioned in the text?
  5. Plan a short trip to Urlingford. What geographical features would you like to see and why? Please explore the area yourself to find something of geographical interest.

My Family and Urlingford

Hi! My name is Gray and I am 8 years old. I live in Urlingford, Co. Kilkenny. It's a really cool place! There's this awesome landmark near my house called Urlingford Mill. It's so big and old. I like to go there and imagine it's a castle.

We also have the Urlingford Heritage Centre. It tells the story of our town. I love going there to learn about the olden days. It's like travelling back in time. I always try to picture my house during that time. Maybe there were horses instead of cars!

There is so much greenery around here. I love running in the fields, especially during the summer. It feels like being in a big, wide, open playground. The best part is, sometimes we can see deers. They are so beautiful and fast!

I like growing up here in Urlingford. There's always something to do and learn. I can't wait to tell you more about my adventures!

  1. What is the name of the child and how old are they?
  2. Can you describe the Urlingford Mill?
  3. What can you learn at the Urlingford Heritage Centre?
  4. What does Gray like to do in the fields?
  5. What is Gray's favorite part about living in Urlingford?

The Logainm of Urlingford

Urlingford is a small town in County Kilkenny, Ireland. The name 'Urlingford' comes from the Irish word 'Áth na nUrlainn', which means 'Ford of the Slaughter'. This might sound a little scary, but it's actually about history, not horror! A long time ago, there was a big battle near the town. The Irish word for 'battle' is 'urlann', and a 'ford' is a shallow place in a river where people can cross. So, the name tells us that there was a battle near a river crossing.

Today, Urlingford is a peaceful place. It's known for its beautiful scenery and friendly people. There aren't any battles anymore, but the town's name helps us remember its exciting past. When you hear 'Urlingford', think about the brave people who fought in the battle and how the town has changed over time.

  1. What does the name 'Urlingford' mean in English?
  2. What is the Irish word for 'battle'?
  3. What is a 'ford'?
  4. Why do you think Urlingford was named after a battle?
  5. How has Urlingford changed from the past to the present?

Slideshow - Urlingford
A full set of teaching plans for teaching about Urlingford