United States

The United States is a big country with many different geographical features. It has tall mountains, like the Rocky Mountains and the Sierra Nevada, which are great for skiing and hiking. There are also flat plains, like the Great Plains, where you can find farms and fields of crops. The country has lots of rivers, such as the Mississippi River and the Colorado River, which are important for transportation and providing water to cities and farms.

The United States also has many different types of climates. In the northern part of the country, it can be very cold and snowy in the winter, while in the southern part, it can be hot and humid. There are also deserts, like the Mojave Desert in California, where it is very dry and hot.

The country has diverse landscapes, from beaches along the coasts to forests in the Pacific Northwest. Overall, the United States is a beautiful and varied country with lots of different geographical features to explore and learn about.

  1. What are some geographical features of the United States mentioned in the text?
  2. Why are rivers important for cities and farms?
  3. Describe two different types of climates found in the United States.
  4. How do the geographical features of the United States contribute to its diversity?
  5. Imagine you are visiting the United States, which geographical feature would you like to explore the most and why?

A Visit to Washington, D.C.

Hi, I'm Kelly and I'm 8 years old. Today, I want to share with you about my exciting trip to Washington, D.C.! It was so cool to explore the capital city of the United States. One of the places I visited was the National Air and Space Museum. There were real space shuttles and airplanes inside the museum! I even got to see a spacesuit worn by an astronaut. It was like being in outer space!

  1. What is the name of the child in the story?
  2. How old is Kelly?
  3. Where did Kelly visit in Washington, D.C.?
  4. What did Kelly see at the National Air and Space Museum?
  5. How would you feel if you visited a museum like Kelly?

United States Fact Finder

Main Cities 
Languages Spoken
National Dishes
Highest Mountain
Longest River
Neighbour Countries
Fun Fact

Your Turn...

After learning all about United States, how about creating a guide for a tourist thinking about visiting? You should include a number of landmarks or tourist attractions they should visit. You could also find them accommodation and restaurants. You might design an itinerary on an online mapping site with directions to each place. Be inventive and see what you can produce!
Slideshow - United States
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