Lesson 1: The Story of Ugadi
Objective: 1
Time: 45 minutes
Resources: Story of Ugadi handout, markers

Introduction: Introduce the concept of Ugadi and its significance in Hinduism.
Development: Read the story of Ugadi to the class and discuss its roots and history.
Conclusion: Have a group discussion about the story and its key elements.
Assessment: Ask students to draw a picture depicting the story of Ugadi.
Lesson 2: Symbols and Traditions of Ugadi
Objective: 2
Time: 60 minutes
Resources: Symbols and traditions poster, craft materials

Introduction: Display symbols and traditions of Ugadi.
Development: Have students create their own Ugadi symbols using craft materials.
Conclusion: Share and explain their creations to the class.
Assessment: Students will write a short paragraph about the importance of one symbol or tradition.
Lesson 3: Connecting Ugadi to Daily Life
Objective: 3
Time: 45 minutes
Resources: Photos of Ugadi celebrations, whiteboard

Introduction: Discuss how Ugadi is celebrated in daily life.
Development: Show photos of Ugadi celebrations and how they relate to daily activities.
Conclusion: Have students share how they can incorporate Ugadi traditions into their lives.
Assessment: Students will write a short reflection on how they can connect with Ugadi traditions.
Lesson 4: Exploring Concepts of Ugadi
Objective: 4
Time: 60 minutes
Resources: Concept cards, markers

Introduction: Introduce key concepts of Ugadi.
Development: Have students match concept cards to their meanings.
Conclusion: Discuss the importance of each concept in Ugadi celebrations.
Assessment: Students will create a concept map showing the relationships between the key concepts.
Lesson 5: Creative Ugadi Art
Objective: 2, 3
Time: 60 minutes
Resources: Art supplies, reference images

Introduction: Show examples of Ugadi art.
Development: Guide students in creating their own Ugadi-themed art piece.
Conclusion: Students will present their artworks and explain their inspiration.
Assessment: Peer evaluation based on creativity and connection to Ugadi.
Lesson 6: Ugadi Tasting Experience
Objective: 2, 3
Time: 45 minutes
Resources: Traditional Ugadi sweets, tasting plates

Introduction: Introduce traditional Ugadi sweets.
Development: Allow students to taste the sweets and discuss their flavors.
Conclusion: Reflect on the experience and how food is a part of celebrations.
Assessment: Students will write a short paragraph describing their favorite sweet and why.