Welcome to Tymon South

Once upon a time, in a place called Tymon South in Co. Dublin, Ireland, there was just green, open land. But as years passed, people started building homes and roads, turning it into the friendly townland we know today.

Tymon South might not have castles or big events in its history, but it's special in its own way. It's named after the River Tymon, which quietly flows through it. This river has been there for hundreds of years, long before the first houses were built!

Imagine, when the river first started flowing, it would have seen only fields and animals around. As time passed, it would have watched as roads were built, houses sprung up, and families moved in. The river has been a silent witness to the growth of Tymon South.

Today, Tymon South is a peaceful place with Tymon Park, one of the largest parks in Dublin. People often visit this park to play, walk and enjoy the beautiful surroundings. Think about it, this park might have been a field with cows and sheep grazing, a long time ago!

So, even if Tymon South might not have famous battles or royal tales, it has its own quiet and fascinating history, slowly unfolding with the flow of the River Tymon.

  1. What was Tymon South like a long time ago?
  2. What is Tymon South named after?
  3. What changes has the River Tymon seen over the years?
  4. How does the history of Tymon South help us understand its importance even without famous events?
  5. Imagine you are the River Tymon. What would you say about the changes you have seen over the years?

All About Tymon South

Tymon South is a lovely area in Dublin, the capital city of Ireland. It is mainly residential, which means lots of families live here in houses and apartments. A lot of people love walking and playing in the big park called Tymon Park, the second largest park in Dublin! It has two lakes and lots of birds and squirrels like to live there.

The park also has lots of different types of trees, like oak and ash trees. In the spring, you can see beautiful daffodils and bluebells blooming. The park is also home to Tymon Bawn Community Centre, where people go for fun activities.

Tymon South doesn’t have any mountains or rivers, but it has a few notable streets. Limekiln Road and Greenhills Road are two of the main roads where you can find shops and schools. You might notice street furniture like benches, litter bins, and street lamps which help make the area clean and safe.

So, Tymon South is a wonderful place for people and animals, with its big park and lively streets. It's a great place to live, play, and learn about nature!.

  1. What is the second largest park in Dublin and what can be found there?
  2. Name two main roads in Tymon South and describe what can be found on these streets.
  3. What kind of trees can you find in Tymon Park?
  4. Using a map of Dublin, can you locate Tymon South and Tymon Park? How far is it from the city centre?
  5. Explore Tymon South in person or using a virtual map. Can you find something of geographical interest that was not mentioned in the text?

My Family and Tymon South

Hi there! My name is Frankie and I'm 8 years old. I live in this really cool place called Tymon South Co. in Dublin. Living here is so fun! There are loads of parks around where I can play with my friends. We have this massive park called Tymon Park. It's the second largest park in Dublin! It's where I learnt to ride my bike without training wheels. Isn't that awesome?

There are two lakes in the park, and sometimes, if I am really quiet, I can see ducks swimming around. I love feeding them. Just by the park, there's a big sports centre. I'm not really into sports yet, but it's really fun to watch people play. I cheer for everyone!

One of the best things about living here is that we are really close to the Dublin mountains. I've been on a few hikes with my family. I love it because it feels like a big adventure! It's really pretty too. I think when I grow up, I want to be an explorer and discover new places. Just like Tymon South Co., because there's always something new to see!

  1. What is Frankie's favourite activity in Tymon Park?
  2. How does Frankie feel about living in Tymon South Co.?
  3. Why does Frankie like the Dublin mountains?
  4. What does Frankie want to become when they grow up and why?
  5. Can you describe a time when you felt like an explorer, like Frankie does when they're hiking in the Dublin mountains?

The Logainm of Tymon South

Tymon South is a lovely area found in County Dublin, Ireland. The name 'Tymon' is quite special. It is an old Irish word, which means 'a house' or 'a large dwelling'. Long ago, people in Ireland spoke only Irish, and they named places around them in their own language. So, Tymon might have been a big house or settlement in the past!

Over the years, the people living in Tymon South have changed. They have built homes, schools, and parks. Today, English is mostly spoken, but the name 'Tymon' is still used, reminding us of the old times when Irish was the only language spoken here. It's like a treasure from the past that has been handed down to us. Now, when you hear 'Tymon South', you know it means 'the southern part of the big house'.

  1. What does the word 'Tymon' mean?
  2. What language was spoken in Ireland long ago?
  3. Why is the name 'Tymon' still used today?
  4. What does 'Tymon South' mean?
  5. How has Tymon South changed over the years?

Slideshow - Tymon South
A full set of teaching plans for teaching about Tymon South