Literacy, Numeracy, Science

Subjects covered:





  • Read and discuss books about different types of transport
  • Use picture cards to identify and match transport-related words
  • Create a class book about favorite modes of transport
  • Transport-themed picture books
  • Picture cards with transport images and words
  • Blank books for creating class book
  • Provide additional support for struggling readers through guided reading sessions
  • Encourage advanced readers to create their own stories about transport


  • Count and sort transport-related objects
  • Create patterns using different types of transport
  • Measure and compare the lengths of toy vehicles
  • Toy vehicles
  • Counting objects related to transport (e.g., toy cars)
  • Pattern blocks or transport-themed pattern cards
  • Rulers or measuring tapes
  • Provide manipulatives and visual aids for counting and sorting activities
  • Encourage higher-level thinking by asking students to create their own patterns


  • Explore different types of transport and their functions
  • Investigate how different surfaces affect the movement of toy vehicles
  • Design and build a simple vehicle using recycled materials
  • Books or videos about various modes of transport
  • Toy vehicles
  • Various surfaces for experimenting (e.g., sand, carpet, tile)
  • Recycled materials (e.g., cardboard, bottle caps, straws)
  • Provide visual aids and real-life examples to support understanding of different transport types
  • Offer additional guidance and support during the construction of the simple vehicle

Arts Subjects

Subjects Covered Activities Resources Differentiation
Visual Arts
  • Create transport-themed collages using various materials
  • Draw and paint different modes of transport
  • Use clay or playdough to sculpt transport vehicles
  • Colored paper, cardboard, scissors, glue
  • Drawing and painting materials
  • Clay or playdough
  • Provide different types of materials to accommodate different abilities
  • Adapt the complexity of the task based on individual needs
  • Sing songs related to transport
  • Create sound effects using percussion instruments to represent different vehicles
  • Imitate the sounds of different modes of transport through vocalization
  • List of transport-themed songs
  • Percussion instruments (drums, shakers, etc.)
  • Provide visual aids or gestures to support understanding
  • Offer a variety of instruments to cater to different preferences
  • Act out different roles related to transport (e.g., driver, passenger, traffic officer)
  • Use props and costumes to enhance dramatic play
  • Create and perform short skits or puppet shows with transport themes
  • Props (steering wheel, traffic signs, etc.)
  • Costumes (hats, scarves, etc.)
  • Puppets or puppets made from socks
  • Provide visual prompts or scripts for children who may need additional support
  • Encourage creative expression through movement for children with limited verbal abilities
English (Language Development)
  • Read and discuss transport-themed books
  • Write or dictate stories or descriptions about different modes of transport
  • Engage in conversations about favorite vehicles and journeys
  • Transport-themed books
  • Pencils, paper, whiteboards
  • Provide visual supports such as picture cards or word banks
  • Allow for verbal responses or alternative methods of communication

Station Ideas

Station 1: Small World Play

  • Toy cars, trains, and planes
  • Road and track mats
  • Buildings and scenery
  • Figurines of people and animals

Station 2: Sensory Play

  • Sand or rice sensory bin
  • Toy vehicles and construction equipment
  • Small containers and scoops
  • Ramps and tunnels

Station 3: Art and Craft

  • Cardboard vehicles to decorate
  • Markers, crayons, and paint
  • Glue and scissors
  • Collage materials (paper, fabric, buttons)

Station 4: Role Play

  • Dress-up clothes (pilot, driver, etc.)
  • Steering wheels and controls
  • Maps and tickets
  • Pretend passports

Station 5: Construction

  • Building blocks
  • Connectors and gears
  • Vehicles made from recycled materials
  • Blocks with road markings

Station 6: Storytelling

  • Transport-themed storybooks
  • Puppets and props
  • Storytelling mats
  • Story cubes

Story Time

Once upon a time in a little town, there was a happy group of animal friends. They loved going on adventures together. One sunny day, they decided to go on a special journey to learn about different types of transport.

Their first stop was at the train station. The friends saw a big, shiny train waiting on the tracks. The train conductor, a friendly cat, welcomed them aboard. They sat by the window and watched as the train chugged along the tracks. The friends waved at the people they passed by and saw beautiful landscapes outside their window.

Next, they visited the harbor. They saw a gigantic ship with colorful flags waving in the wind. The ship captain, a wise owl, greeted them and showed them around. The friends learned how ships carry goods and people across the ocean. They imagined themselves sailing to faraway lands and meeting new friends.

After the harbor, they went to the airport. They saw planes of all shapes and sizes on the runway. The pilot, a cheerful monkey, invited them inside a small plane for a ride. The friends looked out the window and saw the town get smaller and smaller as they flew higher into the sky. They felt like birds soaring through the clouds.

As the day was coming to an end, the friends made their final stop at the bus station. They climbed aboard a bright yellow bus driven by a friendly dog. The bus journeyed through busy streets, picking up and dropping off passengers. The friends waved at people waiting at bus stops and smiled at the interesting buildings they passed by.

Finally, the animal friends returned to their little town. They realized that while each type of transport was different, they were all important and helped people and animals get from one place to another. They thanked the train conductor, ship captain, pilot, and bus driver for teaching them about the wonderful world of transport.

The friends were exhausted but happy. They knew that they had learned something very special on their adventure. They now understood that there are many exciting ways to travel, and they couldn't wait to share their stories with their families and friends.