Lesson 1
Time allocation Resources Introduction Development Conclusion Assessment
60 minutes Books about Tramore's history, Internet access Begin with a brief introduction about Tramore Co. Waterford, focusing on the origin of its name. 1. Let them read about the history of Tramore. 2. Ask them to make a timeline of important events. 3. Encourage them to present a brief report on an event of their choice. Summarize the key points discussed during the lesson. Assess them based on their participation and their timeline and report.
Lesson 2
Time allocation Resources Introduction Development Conclusion Assessment
60 minutes Internet access, Books about notable person Introduce the notable person from the area. 1. Let them research about the person. 2. Ask them to make a biography. 3. Encourage them to present a brief report about the person. Summarize the key points discussed during the lesson. Assess them based on their participation and their biography and report.
Lesson 3
Time allocation Resources Introduction Development Conclusion Assessment
60 minutes Map of Tramore, Internet access Introduce the physical geography of the area. 1. Let them study the map. 2. Ask them to identify key geographical features. 3. Encourage them to make a model of the landscape. Summarize the key points discussed during the lesson. Assess them based on their participation and their understanding of the area's geography.
Lesson 4
Time allocation Resources Introduction Development Conclusion Assessment
60 minutes Blank maps, pencils Introduce the concept of map-making. 1. Let them study a map of Tramore. 2. Ask them to draw their own map. 3. Encourage them to label key features on their map. Summarize the key points discussed during the lesson. Assess them based on their participation and their map-making skills.
Lesson 5
Time allocation Resources Introduction Development Conclusion Assessment
60 minutes Internet access, books about biodiversity Introduce the concept of biodiversity and its importance. 1. Let them research the biodiversity of Tramore. 2. Ask them to identify key species. 3. Encourage them to come up with ideas to protect the biodiversity. Summarize the key points discussed during the lesson. Assess them based on their participation, understanding of biodiversity, and their ideas for protection.
Lesson 6
Time allocation Resources Introduction Development Conclusion Assessment
60 minutes Art supplies Introduce the concept of using surroundings as inspiration for art. 1. Let them explore the area. 2. Ask them to choose a feature to depict in their art. 3. Encourage them to create their artwork using any medium. Display the artworks and appreciate the creativity and effort of each student. Assess them based on their participation and their artwork.