Lesson Plan Time Allocation Resources Needed Introduction Development Conclusion Assessment
Lesson 1: History of Tralee Co. Kerry 1 Hour Books about Ireland's history, Internet access for research, Map of Ireland Discuss the history of Ireland, focusing on Tralee Co. Kerry. Explain the importance of understanding the history of our own place.
  • Activity 1: Students research the history of the logainm of Tralee.
  • Activity 2: Create a timeline of major events in Tralee's history.
  • Activity 3: Present a short story or event from Tralee's history.
Recap the major points of Tralee's history and the importance of the place name. Assess students' understanding through their presentations and participation in class discussion.
Lesson 2: Notable person from Tralee 1 Hour Biographies of notable people, Internet access Introduce the notable person from Tralee - Roger Casement, an Irish patriot.
  • Activity 1: Students research on Roger Casement's life and achievements.
  • Activity 2: Write a short essay on Roger Casement.
  • Activity 3: Class discussion on why Roger Casement is important.
Summarize Roger Casement's contributions and why he is a notable person from Tralee. Assess through the short essay and participation in class discussion.
Lesson 3: Geography of Tralee 1 Hour Map of Tralee, Internet access Discuss the geographical features of Tralee, including rivers, mountains, and beaches.
  • Activity 1: Students label major geographical features of Tralee on a map.
  • Activity 2: Class discussion on how these geographical features affect life in Tralee.
  • Activity 3: Create a poster showcasing Tralee's geographical features.
Recap the geographical features of Tralee and their influence on the area. Assess through the map labelling, poster creation, and participation in discussion.
Lesson 4: Mapping Skills 1 Hour Blank maps, pencils, rulers Discuss the importance of maps and how to read them.
  • Activity 1: Students draw their own map of Tralee, marking important landmarks.
  • Activity 2: Identify cardinal directions on their maps.
  • Activity 3: Class discussion on the role of maps in our daily life.
Summarize the importance of mapping and how it helps us understand our surroundings. Assess through the quality of the drawn maps and participation in class discussion.
Lesson 5: Biodiversity of Tralee 1 Hour Internet access, books about local biodiversity Discuss the concept of biodiversity and why it's important.
  • Activity 1: Students research different species living in Tralee.
  • Activity 2: Class discussion on how to protect the local biodiversity.
  • Activity 3: Create a poster showing different species in Tralee and ways to protect them.
Reiterate the importance of biodiversity and how we can contribute to its protection. Assess through the research findings, poster creation, and participation in discussion.
Lesson 6: Visual Arts 1 Hour Art supplies (paint, paper, brushes, etc.) Discuss how the local area can be a source of inspiration for art.
  • Activity 1: Students create a piece of art inspired by Tralee.
  • Activity 2: Share and explain their artwork with the class.
  • Activity 3: Create a class gallery of all the artwork.
Discuss the variety of inspirations and interpretations of Tralee in students' artworks. Assess through the created artwork and the explanation of their art piece.