Welcome to Tomgraney

Tomgraney is a small townland in the beautiful County Clare, on the west coast of Ireland. Though it may be small, it has a big history!

Hundreds of years ago, all the way back in the year 941, there was a famous battle in Tomgraney. It was between two powerful kings, King Ivar of Limerick and King Brian Boru of Munster. King Brian won the battle and became a very important person in Ireland's history.

Even before this battle, Tomgraney was known for its ancient church, St. Cronan's. This church is one of the oldest in Ireland, built in the 10th century, that's over 1,000 years ago! Imagine how many people have visited this church over all those years.

Besides its history, Tomgraney is also surrounded by beautiful nature. It's near the River Shannon, the longest river in Ireland, where people can go fishing or boating.

So, even though Tomgraney might seem like just a small townland, it has a lot of stories to tell. It's a place where kings have battled, where people have prayed for centuries, and where the river whispers tales of the past.

  1. Who were the two kings that battled in Tomgraney in 941?
  2. What is the name of the ancient church in Tomgraney?
  3. What is one activity you can do at the River Shannon?
  4. Why do you think King Brian Boru's victory in the battle is considered important in Ireland's history?
  5. Imagine you lived 1,000 years ago and you visited St. Cronan's church, how do you think it would have been different from today?

All About Tomgraney

Tomgraney is a charming little village in County Clare, Ireland. It's like a treasure chest full of exciting secrets waiting to be discovered! You won't find towering skyscrapers here, but the streets of Tomgraney are full of history. Near the church, you'll find a tall, mysterious stone known as St. Cronan's Stone. Some people think it's over 1000 years old!

The village is surrounded by nature's beauty. You'll find lots of emerald green fields, and wonderful wildlife. Keep your eyes peeled for playful rabbits and foxes, and don't forget to listen for the chattering of birds in the trees.

The River Shannon, the longest river in Ireland, flows nearby. Its waters are home to a variety of fish and you might even spot an otter if you're lucky! On a sunny day, you can see the Slieve Bernagh mountains in the distance. They look like giant, sleeping giants covered in a soft, green blanket.

Tomgraney is a special place where history and nature come together. It's a great place for budding explorers like you to learn and discover. Maybe one day, you'll get to visit and see it all for yourself!.

  1. What is St. Cronan's Stone and why is it significant to Tomgraney's history?
  2. Describe the natural wildlife you might encounter around Tomgraney.
  3. Name the longest river in Ireland that flows near Tomgraney and mention some of the creatures that live in it.
  4. Using a map of Ireland, locate Tomgraney in County Clare and trace the path of the River Shannon as it flows past the village.
  5. Plan a hypothetical exploration trip to Tomgraney. What geographical features would you like to see or learn more about?

My Family and Tomgraney

Hi, I'm Pat! I am 8 years old and live in Tomgraney, Co. Clare. It's a really cool place. My house is near this big river called the Shannon. Sometimes, we go fishing there. I caught a really big fish once! There are lots of fields and hills around my house too. My friends and I like to play hide and seek there.

There's this really old church in Tomgraney, St. Cronan's Church. It's so old, it was built before my grandad was born! I think that's pretty cool. We also have a school, it's not as old as the church, but it's still pretty old. I like going to school, especially when we get to play outside.

I also like going to this place called Lough Derg. It's a big lake and we sometimes go swimming there. It's really fun! My favorite thing about living in Tomgraney is all the fun places to explore. I can't wait to be older so I can explore even more!

  1. What is the name of the river near my house?
  2. What is the name of the old church in Tomgraney?
  3. What is my favourite thing to do at school?
  4. Where do I like to go swimming?
  5. What is my favorite thing about living in Tomgraney?

The Logainm of Tomgraney

Tomgraney is a special place in County Clare, Ireland. Its name in Irish is 'Tuamgraney', which means "Graney's mound". The 'mound' refers to a little hill, and 'Graney' is believed to be a person's name. So, the name means 'Graney's little hill'.

Many years ago, Irish people used to name places after important people or events. It's believed that Tomgraney was named after a person named Graney who was very important there. We don't know a lot about Graney, but we do know that he was so respected that they named the whole place after him!

Tomgraney is also famous for its old church, St. Cronan's. This church was built over a thousand years ago and it's one of the oldest churches in Ireland that's still being used today. Imagine, people have been going to this church for over a thousand years!

Today, Tomgraney is a lovely village where people live, work, and go to school. The next time you hear the name Tomgraney, you'll remember that it means 'Graney's mound' and the story of its ancient church.

  1. What does 'Tomgraney' mean in English?
  2. Who is Tomgraney believed to be named after?
  3. What is the special thing about St. Cronan's Church in Tomgraney?
  4. What can you tell me about the person named Graney?
  5. How is the name 'Tomgraney' connected to its history?

Slideshow - Tomgraney
A full set of teaching plans for teaching about Tomgraney