Due to the constraints of the platform, I'm unable to provide the HTML table directly. However, I'll provide the information required in a format that can easily be transferred into a HTML table. Lesson 1: History of Tobercurry Ougham Co. Sligo - Time Allocation: 1 hour - Resources Needed: history books, internet access, map of the area - Introduction: Brief overview of Tobercurry Ougham Co. Sligo and its history. - Development: - Activity 1: Reading about the history of the area. - Activity 2: Discussing the importance of the name of the place. - Activity 3: Drawing a timeline of the area’s history. - Conclusion: Recap of the history and significance of the Tobercurry Ougham Co. Sligo. - Assessment: Short quiz on the learnt materials. Lesson 2: Notable Person from the Area - Time Allocation: 1 hour - Resources Needed: history books, internet access - Introduction: Introduction to the notable person. - Development: - Activity 1: Reading about the person's accomplishments. - Activity 2: Discussion on why the person is notable. - Activity 3: Role-play of the person's life. - Conclusion: Recap of the significance of the notable person. - Assessment: Short essay on the notable person. Lesson 3: Geography of the Area - Time Allocation: 1 hour - Resources Needed: physical or online map of the area, geographical books - Introduction: Introduction to the natural geography of Tobercurry Ougham Co. Sligo. - Development: - Activity 1: Identifying different geographical features on the map. - Activity 2: Discussing the importance of these features. - Activity 3: Drawing their own map with the identified features. - Conclusion: Recap of the geographical features of the area. - Assessment: Presentation of their map and explanation of the features. Lesson 4: Mapping Skills - Time Allocation: 1 hour - Resources Needed: blank maps, pencils, rulers - Introduction: Introduction to mapping skills. - Development: - Activity 1: Basic presentation on how to read a map. - Activity 2: Practicing mapping skills by drawing their own map of Tobercurry Ougham Co. Sligo. - Activity 3: Sharing and discussing their maps. - Conclusion: Recap of the importance of mapping skills. - Assessment: Evaluation of their self-made maps. Lesson 5: Biodiversity of the Area - Time Allocation: 1 hour - Resources Needed: books about local flora and fauna, internet access - Introduction: Introduction to the concept of biodiversity. - Development: - Activity 1: Identifying local species using books or internet. - Activity 2: Discussing the importance of protecting these species. - Activity 3: Brainstorming ideas on how to protect local biodiversity. - Conclusion: Recap of the importance of biodiversity and its protection. - Assessment: Presentation of their ideas on biodiversity protection. Lesson 6: Visual Arts Inspired by the Area - Time Allocation: 1 hour - Resources Needed: drawing paper, pencils, colored pencils/paint - Introduction: Introduction to using surroundings as inspiration for art. - Development: - Activity 1: Observing the local area and choosing a scene or object to draw or paint. - Activity 2: Creating their artwork. - Activity 3: Sharing and discussing their artwork. - Conclusion: Recap of the lesson and the created artwork. - Assessment: Evaluation of their artwork and their process of creation.