Welcome to Tobercurry

Tobercurry, or Tubbercurry, is a very special and interesting townland nestled in County Sligo, Ireland. Did you know that the town's name in Irish, Tobar an Choire, means 'Well of the Cauldron'? Cool, isn't it? It was named after a well that was shaped like a cauldron!

A long, long time ago, people lived here in small homes called 'Raths', and you can still see some of their remains today! The town is also home to a very old and beautiful church, St. John the Evangelist Church, built in the 19th century.

Did you hear about the Annual Drama Festival? It's a famous event that started in 1944 and still happens every year. People come from all over the world to perform plays and enjoy the fun. It's like a big party!

In 1913, something very exciting happened. The 'Midnight Oil', a special train, started running from Dublin to Sligo, stopping at Tobercurry. People could travel quickly and easily to other places for the first time. Imagine how thrilled they must have been!

So, that's Tobercurry for you - a town full of history, stories, and fun!

  1. What does Tobercurry mean in Irish and what was it named after?
  2. Can you describe what 'Raths' are?
  3. What is the name of the old and beautiful church in Tobercurry?
  4. What is the Annual Drama Festival and when did it start?
  5. What was the 'Midnight Oil' and why was it important for the people of Tobercurry?

All About Tobercurry

Tobercurry is a charming town in County Sligo, Ireland. Its high street is where you'll find most of the action! With shops, restaurants, and even a theater, there's always something happening. Nature lovers would be thrilled because Tobercurry is surrounded by the beautiful Ox Mountains, where you can find lots of different plants, trees and animals. Imagine seeing a cheeky squirrel darting up a tree or spotting a colourful butterfly fluttering by! The town park is a great place to play and see some of these creatures too. You might even see a playful fox or a cute rabbit if you're lucky! Running through the town is the River Moy, which is like a ribbon of blue weaving through the landscape. It's a great place for a picnic or to feed the ducks. What's interesting is that you'll see old-fashioned street lamps lining the streets. They give Tobercurry a special charm, particularly when they light up in the evening. And remember, if you're ever lost, look out for the tall clock tower in the town square. It can be seen from almost anywhere in Tobercurry and is always ready to tell you the time!.

  1. What type of geographical features surround Tobercurry and what kind of wildlife can you find there?
  2. Describe the River Moy. How does it add to the landscape of Tobercurry?
  3. How do the old-fashioned street lamps contribute to the charm of Tobercurry?
  4. Use a map to locate Tobercurry in County Sligo, Ireland. Can you find the Ox Mountains and the River Moy?
  5. Explore Tobercurry or a similar area near where you live. Can you find something of geographical interest? Describe what you find and why it's interesting.

My Family and Tobercurry

Hi! I'm Sam, and I am 8 years old. I live in a cool place called Tobercurry, Co. Sligo. It's in Ireland, you know. It's super fun here! We've got a big church called St. John's Cathedral. It's really old and big. I always wonder how they made it so tall.

There's also this place called Gillighan's World. It's a fairy park and I love going there. There are tiny houses and even a mini castle. I feel like a giant when I walk through it. The fairies must be really small!

My favourite place, though, is Lough Talt. It's a lake near my house. It's so shiny and I like to throw stones in it. The splash is my favourite sound. Mum says it's like a mirror because it reflects the sky. I think it's magical.

I love living in Tobercurry. It's got lots of fun things to do and interesting places to visit. I hope you can come visit too and we can throw stones in Lough Talt together!

  1. What is the name of the big church in Tobercurry?
  2. Can you describe what Gillighan's World looks like?
  3. Why does Sam like Lough Talt?
  4. What does Sam's mum say Lough Talt is like?
  5. Why does Sam think Lough Talt is magical?

The Logainm of Tobercurry

Tobercurry is a wonderful town found in the county of Sligo, in the North West of Ireland. The name sounds a bit funny, right? Well, it actually has a very interesting meaning in Irish. Tobercurry comes from the Irish words 'Tobar an Choire' which means 'Well of the Cauldron'. The well part refers to a spring or a source of water and the cauldron refers to a large pot or kettle - just like the one you might see witches using in fairy tales!

A long time ago, people believed that this well had magical healing powers. Isn't that exciting? They thought that if you were sick, you could drink the water and you would get better. Even though we now have doctors and medicine, people still visit the well because they love the story and the history.

Today, Tobercurry is a busy town with many people living and working there. It's known for its beautiful scenery, friendly people and fun festivals. So next time you hear the name Tobercurry, remember the story of the magical well and how it is still an important part of the town today.

  1. What does the name Tobercurry mean in English?
  2. What did people believe about the well in Tobercurry?
  3. Why do you think people still visit the well today?
  4. What is Tobercurry known for in the present day?
  5. Can you think of any other places that might have interesting stories behind their names?

Slideshow - Tobercurry
A full set of teaching plans for teaching about Tobercurry